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· 10 years ago
Which one can get me into the city from a rural-ish place faster?
· 10 years ago
Which one can I use to take my four kids to school? Or bring home groceries for a family of six? The thing I've learned about the world is that sometimes what is ideal is not what is best for each person. For the record, a lifetime ago, when I was a dirty pot-smoking hippie and I knew everything there was to know about the world, I didn't own a car. Or a television, for that matter. But, now that I'm an adult, I drive a 4x4 pick-up because it would be stupid to have a Prius on my ranch. And it won't haul a trailer. Just because something is good doesn't mean it is the best for everyone in every situation. Think outside yourself. And, I think Amazon Prime is more bang for your buck than Netflix. C'mon, streaming AND two-day shipping.
· 10 years ago
For what it's worth, though, the thing I miss the most from my life before marriage, kids, grown-up responsibilities is my Trek.
· 10 years ago
The alien thin a real read of all of that ^ "was family of six"
· 10 years ago
Only ** thing** sorry English isn't my first laughs