Beards are not for me. Who knows what's in there?!?! Besides, If I am ever able to get a date, I will date whoever I like. This post isn't really going to make beards suddenly the most attractive thing ever to me.
I said no offence was meant. It's my opinion. And no people don't have pubes on there head because pubes are hair that comes during puberty. And I wasn't bald till puberty soooo
"Hitler killed millions of Jews and he should've finished the job!" No offense though.(just a joke) but seriously saying no offense means absolutely nothing after saying something offensive.
Just because it's offensive to some doesn't mean that beards aren't disgusting, just like the sissies that grow them so they can appear masculine on the internet.
I didn't know people could get so agrivated by my opinion. I'm sorry that's just what I think, and no matter what you say, you canot change it! Oh and to the idiot who used hitter as an example? Your a fucking ass hole. I'm not killing any Jews just by saying that I don't like facial hair.
· 10 years ago
He didn't compare you to Hitler. Leave Metalman alone.
I never compared you to Hitler. Sarcasm is hard to portray across the internet and I apologize for that but my point in that comment was that no matter what it is, if it's offensive, people will take offense to it and saying "no offense" means nothing.
I'm sorry, I didn't know I wasn't aloud an opinion. Seriously. It's what I think! Why are you all working your selves up on this? Just because I don't like the same things you do. I personally don't like facial hair. Why is that such a terrible thing???
I'm not working myself up, but I was making the point that saying "no offense" to something that's directly offensive doesn't make it un-offensive. It still is an asshole thing to do.
I don't see how I'm an ass hole for sharing my opinion. No offence was meant but clearly you took it. Just because I don't like facial hair, doesn't mean you can call me an asshole. And I don't see how it was directly offensive. I didn't take any offence to people saying they liked facial hair, yet you feel the need to take offence at me disliking it
Then there is this beard:
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Step 3: Edit in entertaining message