If you're anti-abortion, great good for you. If you're for freedom of choice, great good for you. Stop trying to tell others how to live when you should live your own life by your own standards rather than try to get others to live by yours.
Yes, it's like what I say (although you can disagree). I say that most of the anti-abortion people are religious, so if they think the person is gonna go to hell because of it, well, it's them "going" not really their problem.
Another thing I don't like is when people say "You'll go to hell for being gay!" Or something like that. Really? I didn't know you were God in disguise.
The religious people( I'll use Christians here, as I am one) tend to make it our problem because in a way, it is. We are supposed to go out and develop other Christians, because that is what's written in the bible and it's one of the things that is somewhat required of us. Now I'm not saying we need to force people or judge people or condemn them, but we are supposed to at least give them the opportunity or give them the best understanding of our belief that we can so that we can help the make the choice. We're not really "telling others how to live", we're just expressing our beliefs, which we are completely free to do, just as everyone else is. And if we save a few people along the way, that's great, and if we don't, we can at least say that we tried.
P.s. not trying to start a war or anything, just letting you guys know why we do what we do.
Some gay people probably do go to heaven, God loves everyone equally and he gave you the choice. But abortion is murder, you are killing a human.
· 10 years ago
I'm all for openly speaking about religion and everything you said morganwinchester but Christians that protest at abortion clinics don't see the same level as you or I do. They would rather snarl and belittle those going through this tough choice rather than try to help them through it. I don't remember ever reading the Bible and seeing God give any human the divine power to condem people to hell and eternal damnation.
Those aren't true "Christians." They are people that hide behind the title and then give the rest of us a bad name. That's not what we are taught to do, those people just want a reason to judge and hurt others. While I don't agree with abortion by any means, I wouldn't protest it or ever belittle those who have had one or are considering one. Although that does not mean I wouldn't attempt to help someone to see it the way I and many others do. It's very difficult though when there's so much controversy as to when the baby is considered a living being. I believe if we classify one celled organisms as "living" then babies should be considered the same at the time of conception.
I'm just saying pro-choice and pro-life have one large difference.
If pro-choice "wins", pro-life people can chose not to have an abortion.
If pro-life "wins", pro-choice people can't have an abortion period.
Abortion is killing another human. A baby. It's not "your body". It's someone else's. If you think abortion is okay, then you HAVE to also believe that murder is okay. Because they both have the same end - someone's potential for a full life, all their hopes and dreams, have all been cut off and ended by the decision of someone else.
Abortion is murder. That's what's wrong with it. Don't compare it to homosexuality, or freedom for decisions. It's murder. How can people not see this?
I completely agree with you, but the pro life people aren't trying to say that murder is okay. Most of them don't believe its actually living until it has the ability to live on its own, although I disagree with that. They (the ones I've talked to) think that it has no thoughts, therefore it doesn't really have any rights yet.
But the thing is, sometimes they know the baby will only live a few agonizing seconds after being birthed. Letting something like that happen puts the baby in loads of actual pain and puts the parents in a lot of emotional pain. I'm not saying that an abortion won't give the parents emotional pain as well, but there's a difference between seeing your baby in excruciating pain before death and having a fetus taken out of your uterus.
· 10 years ago
This comment thread is spiraling out of control...
I don't know why a pro-lifer would be pro-life if they don't think it's murder. That doesn't make sense.
I also am more sympathetic than most to situations where the baby won't survive either way. Although I've known people who were in this place, and they had their baby and it did end up dying, and they said they wouldn't trade those precious moments for the world.
BUT - all that aside, abortion is so much more than just those scenarios. There are over a million abortions per year in the US alone. And over 85% are done because the mother just doesn't want the child. That's murder.
I'm goin to throw my hat in the ring here, I guess. First off, I agree with philosophic and morganwinchester. Have your beliefs, share them, but understand that others are entitled to their beliefs just like you are to yours. You can be respectful of others beliefs even if you don't agree.
Second, I am pro-choice. I do think abortion is wrong and it is killing an unborn child. But my decisions and my beliefs should have no power over another persons body. An unborn child can not legally have rights over a mother. There is a difference between morally wrong, and legally wrong. And isn't it morally wrong for me to force my opinion and belief onto another and take away the control they have to their own body?
while I agree that some women get abortions for the wrong reasons (such as it was a gender they didn't want or to spite the father who left) I am pro-choice because if abortion was illegal then some women will just turn to other methods such as back alley abortions, which is not only dangerous but can also lead to them never being able to have any children.
sometimes if the pregnancy is a result of rape then the woman may be too traumatized to go through with it, even if they can give the baby up for adoption afterwards. if the pregnancy endangers the woman (such as if the fetus was growing in the Fallopian tube ) then you could be causing the death of both the woman and the baby by making abortion illegal.
I think everyone should have their own opinion and if you don't believe in abortion then don't have one but you can't force everyone to obey by that because they'll always be situations you can't put yourself in that abortion might be the best answer for the mother
Well see, the big thing is the whole issue of the actual baby itself. We want abortion to be illegal not because we just think it's immoral or it says so in the bible, but most of us pro-lifers believe that every single life is sacred. I understand completely about the dangerous pregnancy one or the rape one, that's really a tough call for me. I'm still undecided on that one. Mostly because I believe good things can sometimes happen from something ugly, but if you don't even give it the chance to become something beautiful, how will you know if it was ever really bad? But on the other hand, What if nothing good really does come of it? That's where I'm torn. I think those would be the only two times I would ever agree with abortion. I hate when a woman gets an abortion because "she doesn't want it" or like what you said how she does it to spite the father. A life is being taken away from their (usually) careless actions, that isn't fair.
I, very sadly, understand exactly what you mean. Many children diagnosed with a genetic disorder or disability before birth are aborted. I know a lot of that comes from fear. Fear of not being able to love a child that isn't "perfect" Fear that you are not up to the extra challenges of a disabled child. Even couples who have struggled with fertility for years will abort a child if it isn't what they want. As someone who has a disabled child, it hurts that they are rejecting something that is so wonderful. It hurts that they see a child like mine, and can not look past a diagnosis to see how wonderful it is. But, it's still their choice, and not mine. I actually hope to adopt or be a foster parent for disabled children in my future. People who reject the gift of a disabled child really don't deserve how awesome it is.
So much respect for you! That's great to hear that you feel that way about your child, despite his/her disabilities. I've heard so many stories of parents that abuse or are mean to their children when they have disabilities just because they're so much work and they can't really take care of themselves that well.
Sometimes it's different. let's say we are talking about a concentration camp, you wouldn't say a that you need to go to a concentration camp to know its bad.
I think people should be aloud to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. But the baby's heart is beating fourteen days after conception. If someone is pronounced dead when their heart stops beating then aren't they alive when it starts? And some new studies show that the fetus can feel pain. That's why I'm pro-life. But other than that PEOPLE DO WHATEVER YOU WANT I SUPPORT THAT.
If the babies gonna die anyway than I say don't make it suffer. But most of the time it's because the woman doesn't want to go through birth or they're too lazy to have a baby. That is literally murder and it's messed up.
If what you say is true, and most abortions are because those women are lazy, I wonder how fewer abortions there would be if more men accepted the responsibility of the child they created, rather then being lazy themselves.
Perhaps because they already can thanks to the availability of contraception (that repubs just can't stand because it'll make whores of their innocent daughters or w/e bullshit). But yeah, if they want 0 abortions, maybe they should cut the crap already.
If you want to "spay" every women who has an abortion, then we should neuter every male who skips out or refuses to support their children. It's a 2 way street. Both parents share the responsibility equally.
P.s. not trying to start a war or anything, just letting you guys know why we do what we do.
If pro-choice "wins", pro-life people can chose not to have an abortion.
If pro-life "wins", pro-choice people can't have an abortion period.
Abortion is murder. That's what's wrong with it. Don't compare it to homosexuality, or freedom for decisions. It's murder. How can people not see this?
I also am more sympathetic than most to situations where the baby won't survive either way. Although I've known people who were in this place, and they had their baby and it did end up dying, and they said they wouldn't trade those precious moments for the world.
BUT - all that aside, abortion is so much more than just those scenarios. There are over a million abortions per year in the US alone. And over 85% are done because the mother just doesn't want the child. That's murder.
Second, I am pro-choice. I do think abortion is wrong and it is killing an unborn child. But my decisions and my beliefs should have no power over another persons body. An unborn child can not legally have rights over a mother. There is a difference between morally wrong, and legally wrong. And isn't it morally wrong for me to force my opinion and belief onto another and take away the control they have to their own body?
sometimes if the pregnancy is a result of rape then the woman may be too traumatized to go through with it, even if they can give the baby up for adoption afterwards. if the pregnancy endangers the woman (such as if the fetus was growing in the Fallopian tube ) then you could be causing the death of both the woman and the baby by making abortion illegal.
I think everyone should have their own opinion and if you don't believe in abortion then don't have one but you can't force everyone to obey by that because they'll always be situations you can't put yourself in that abortion might be the best answer for the mother