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· 10 years ago
Hitler in all honesty was one of the greatest leaders of all time. He brought Germany out from being a third world country to the top country in Europe. Germany was a giant when it came to industry and science. Germany also lead the entire world out of the Great Depression. He unified all German people and of German heritage under one nation. Hitler was an amazing leader for his people but rather than seeing what good he had brought to this world he is only seen as a monster for the holocaust and his camps. I don't condone the killing of millions of people that his actions brought on but he was undoubtedly a good leader. You owe a lot of things to Hitler in this world and you don't even realise it.
· 10 years ago
I'm usually the first to play devil's advocate but dude, Hitler was a monster, and is rightly remembered as such. There's a good reason he's remembered for his attempted genocide more than his effective administration.
· 10 years ago
He wanted to make a race of blonde-haired blue-eyed people by KILLING EVERYONE ELSE
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· 10 years ago
But Hitler believed what he was doing was right
· 10 years ago
It's all a matter of perspective. I used to talk with and help cutters and suicidal teens and young adults. I believed I was helping them and to many I was but toward the end of me doing this (many issues arose with the suicides of close friends) a suicidal girl brought this to my attention. "What the hell makes you think you're helping people? You're just prolonging the suffering they have to go through before the end." I hated to admit it but to many thats what I did... Its all a matter of perspective.
· 10 years ago
Hitler did great things. Terrible, but great.
· 10 years ago
omg thank you ^^^
· 8 years ago
@prancingpelicans you're stupid, not all Germans are blonde and blue eyed. And not all Germans were nazis
· 10 years ago
Talk trash and be bashed mr can !