Is it bad that I hated when this happened? It's too many coincidences going on this season.. It sucks when I'm so jaded I'm used to and looking forward to people dying :(
i think they deserve at least one silver lining after facing the governor, getting their home destroyed and being separated from each other. "too many coincidences"? how so? :)
i admit, i like gore and all kinds of morbidity but don't you think the show would get kind of boring if they kill off a character in every episode?
· 11 years ago
You're right, we won't have much of a story line if everyone dies but idk how to explain it.. I guess a some of the story lines just seem "unrealistic" to me this time around. Like I can't figure out how they all survived the way they did and managed to find each other so soon after. Like how Carol managed to stay alive and found the girls right when she did, and moment in the picture with Glen not wanting to leave Tara despite running out of ammo and having zombies come after him when he knew that Maggie was alive nearby and that Tara was with Governor when they killed Hershel (worst moment ever btw) Either way, I'm still stuck to my TV every Sunday night watching lol, so in looking forward to see what happens. I'm definitely on team Terminus Is Bad, Mmkay lol
yeah that was kind of dumb but Carol thought Lizzie understood that zombies weren't human after she said, "i understand now." in i don't know which episode...
I really like it but I feel this season has been kinda slow after the Governor's attack. The last episode that caught my attention was with Carol, Tyrese and the sisters. I'm also starting to think that Terminus is a bad place, like cannibals or something, it looks too good to be true...
Totally agree, on one hand we saw what happened with the Governors community, but also Rick has found a lot of good people and made a good place in the prison. The story has shown time and time again places that are that accepting and too good to be true, usually are an awful place to be.
i admit, i like gore and all kinds of morbidity but don't you think the show would get kind of boring if they kill off a character in every episode?