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· 10 years ago
I feel ya, Lisa.
· 10 years ago
Well even if nobody here was meant to have friends you got some anyway, even if we are just internet friends
· 10 years ago
Although I don't know anyone in this site personally, I actually feel like we are all a big group of friends.
· 10 years ago
You people are all my internet buddies
· 10 years ago
I don't have any friends...
· 10 years ago
*cough* I'll be your friend*cough*
· 10 years ago
Me tooo
· 10 years ago
I can't even tell you how relatable this is for me
· 10 years ago
I can relate so bad, everytime I actually find a really great friend, they leave me for no reason.
· 10 years ago
I feel your pain
· 10 years ago
Okay, asshole alert! Can I just emphasise the amount of BS on this FS post! "I have no friends" is a term used by people who CHOOSE to be lonely? Yes choose. I say choose because by saying "I have no friends" you think you're opening this emotional gateway for people that will care, no you're not you are just pouring a hot bucket of self pity over yourself. I get extremely mad when people say "I don't fit in" or "I have no friends". Trust me you do, you just choose to ignore the people who are willing enough to come knock on the door and want to be your friend. "Never be dissapointed when the words I love you are not said by the person or people you want them to be said from, just don't be so ignorant to the ones that do"-Unknown. That quote is so relevant, to all you people who claim to be loners think really hard when reading that quote! Who are those people that you wanted to be friends with and who are the people that wanted to be friends with you?
· 10 years ago
And before you say"No one has ever wanted to be my friend" think why, but I highly doubt anyone has nedver wanted to be your friend. Trust me there are so many people out there and it really isn't that hard to make a friend! All you gotta do is take this image of you being lonely and not fitting in and throw it away! I'm tired of hearing this constant self loathing and self pity! If you are so far gone that you have to feel sorry for yourself then It's time to wake up pal, even hitler had friends and admirers, even satan has admirers. Think hard and long and take it all in, you're not terrible and not alone.