Blame America. It's not like there are a dozen other countries who can do anything. It's not like America has its own problems. No, we are all fat disgusting wasteful slobs that you can beat on when you feel bad about yourself. Well how about this, how about you show us how much better the other countries are, and try helping Africa yourself?
Well buddy america is my country too. Nobody blamed america, it's not america's duty to save every other country. I didn't say or even mantion any of those things you said, why are trying to pick up a fight? At least other countries don't throw their extra wheat in ocean. Don't you think it's a horrible thing to do while other people are starving?
Sorry, it was knee jerk. Whenever I hear about something like this, I usually hear about how America should be doing more. I've developed a tunnel vision of sorts regarding these issues.
I think every one who has the power to help these poor guys, should help. it's not about countries or nationality. It's not america's duty. We are human, and if we have the power to help, we should help. Because that poor kids are human too.
i totally agree with you, it shouldn't matter what country you are from, every country should be working together to help everyone in need, because it's not one countries job to take care of a country, it's everyone's job as human beings to do whatever you can to help and even if you can't help in another country, try helping your local community and do whatever you can to better the world :D
in a way i agree with you because we must help our own people in our own communities who are in poverty, but we also need to help people in other countries too and so we must struggle to strike a balance and help out both at the same time
There is actually more than enought food in the world to feed everyone, we just don't's all about $$. We wouldn't even loose money or not be able to have what we want, we just wouldn't make as much profit. That kid is starving to death for profit.....that's sick......
Guys come on, America should go an fix that? Litterally there are billons of others who can as well, but since America is on everyones mind, American should fix it, not a country right next to them, or anything right? America has built itself by itself with little help. I don't see why when another country has an issue it should be Americas problem too. If something happened to America, several countries would do something. Something happens to Africa and every other country drops the ball and goes "Americas got this" and when nothing happens it Americas fault. Try looking at what your doing, here in America we already donate time, money, and soldiers for countries all around the world, not because we have to. Because we chose to. So keep telling us to do everything, while you just sit and your ass and saying America should fix all the worlds shit.
· 10 years ago
This is hilarious because everyone is so outraged but by the time they get the notification for this comment they will have forgot all about it
It is from a few months ago.
There are other things to talk about now.
· 10 years ago
I love it how people are saying how America is to blame for all this, but I don't particularly know about any European foundations for this (not trying to be aggressive)
Did you know that if the whole population of the planet went vegan, there would be enough food for every person, plus some? There would be less deforesting too. We use up too many resources on our feed animals.
There are other things to talk about now.