I was best friends with this one girl for six years. She joins college, discovers feminism, and instead of seeing me as her friend? She starts seeing me as her enemy as I am a male. It was so weird to see her attitude me change so drastically, so quickly. Six years of fun and being there for my friend, and it's over as she told me off, deleted me off of her Facebook, and wants nothing to do with me. All because I'm a dude.
I feel genuinely sorry for you. Some people go to extremes when it comes to feminism. Personally, I like it when a guy hold the door for me or something like that. The fact that women get paid less than men is a problem for me... the feminazis really go too far though, and I find it quite irritating...
I think this photo was geared more towards women who get the tar beaten out of them by abusive husbands who are twice their size. Only a COMPLETE IDIOT would let themselves get stabbed to death because "feminism said so". And feminism didn't say that, this poster is about domestic abuse which definitely goes both ways but happens to women more often. And it disgusts me that people try to brush this off because "having a vagina doesn't make you delicate" or "women want to be royalty" maybe if you had to watch your mother or sister get slapped around like a ragdoll you'd change your disrespectful tune. Yes there are plenty of ridiculous feminists who want more than equality but their shitty behavior doesn't mean that women don't deserve equality (like equal pay) and it sure as hell doesn't negate the issue of domestic abuse.
I agree. John Green said on his latest vlog brothers that for every dollar a guy makes in the US, a girl makes like 75 cents. Every other developed country does better. But then there's people running around burning bras (I personally don't like my breast slapping my face) and yelling at men for having dicks. It's kind off ridiculous. No one will take it seriously when people act like that.
Feminism doesn't mean woman are royalty and men are horrible. It's supposed to mean that we both get the same rights. None better than each other, I agree with the comment. I'm tired and sick of the so-called feminists that think woman should get better rights. (Fyi I am a woman)
Feminism ( as your mom said) Is for EQUALITY. Women didn't and still don't have just as good as rights as men. The feminists want all genders to be equal.
I am a feminist, and very proud to be one. Pictures like the ones above are made by anti feminist bashers to put on Facebook conversation sites so they can bash feminism freely, when really no feminist would advocate not using reasonable person standards to protect yourself if attacked by anyone, male or female.
If you wanted to alter the picture to make it work, we could speak of domestic violence, a crime whose victims are overwhelmingly women and children, we would need to use more specific language, like "You had a bad day at work- is that worth causing her pain?" with a similar graphic. Then boom, message altered to one more specific that should suit everyone.
That really inst a reason men should get payed more. She isn't on bed rest for all 9 months, and should those nine months really make her get payed less for her ENTIRE CAREER. Does he pregnancy really make any hard work or extra hours invalid ? Your saying they could be the best at what they do and because they MIGHT get pregnant they deserve a lesser wage .Not to mention that some women never have any children. Why should they get punished for other women being pregnant ? Plus its not like she decided to get pregnant to get out of work, SHES FURTHERING OUR SPECIES ! Maybe she should get payed for THAT !
Honestly there is no reason to hit a man either. There is many men being abused in relationships. So many refuse to come forward from fear of their partner and from shame of admitting to being a man who is unable to defend them self. A lot of times they are being abused by a female half their size. SO here is an idea the signs should say. "NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO OR SAY IT IS NEVER OK TO ABUSE SOMEONE WHO THOUGHT THEY COULD TRUST AND LOVE YOU!" I think this would be a better slogan.
I saw this post, which is the third or fourth bashing feminism in the last two days, and didn't even have to click the comments before I knew our friendly FunSub feminist would be down in the thick of it. And look, more feminists! We're spreading... soon more will have stars...muhaha
Dang women with opinions, getting likes and stars. Next thing you know they'll be having' blogs, tumblr's, and maybe wanting to YouTube too. Heaven help us menfolk, I am right frightened too!
I hear you broski! We gave them the right to vote, unchained them from the kitchen so they could go buy groceries and stuff- and what do they do instead?
Become big, scary, autonomous beings with thoughts and feelings all their own. I am with you brother! Vindicated, could you just be a little less...seen? It makes me question my own masculinity when you're so confident.... thanks.
The flaw in that plan is Chance has a girlfriend and you'd have to be able to actually get close enough to one of us to touch. Which hasn't been working out for you so far, and while I am no seer, I don't forsee your luck in that department changing (:
There's always video games and the internet. Good luck!
...You're the one that declared your single nature in a previous post.... The same way Chance said he was in a ltr and has two sisters. I suppose being the raving nutso that I am means I remember what people say. That's crazy of me, having a memory of reality.... Lol, I will go sign up for my rubber room right now....
I can't even put lol here because this deserves so much more than a simple laugh out loud, I nearly woke up my "ltr" laughing when I read this. This is perfection in all it's jackassery. I didn't think men like this existed out of Archie Bunker skits. Perfection. Thank you, is all I can say. Thank you.
· 11 years ago
And even if she doesn't pull out a knife If she hits you without a viable reason I think you should defend yourself.
Feminism is about equality. Are you a woman to goes to college? Thank feminism. Are you a woman that has a job that is not nurse, teacher, or care giver? Thank feminism. Do you believe that a woman has a right to choose what she wears, and has the right NOT to be harassed for wearing said clothes? Thank feminism.
Hmmm yeah i don't know but hitting a woman with the strength of a man can be kinda tough on her body
And about feminism, it's wrong to the extremes as any other extreme thing
And I completely agree with jessylynn this post isn't about men accepting to be stabbed to death by their wives it's rather about how they have to stop using physical strength to get rid of their frustrations
i think the reason why men arrent "allowed" to hit women is because women have it allot harder since they are the one who gives birth and they are te one who have period once a month, so Yeah...
· 11 years ago
Women have it harder? Dont start that bs again. Women have it different. Not harder per se. Men have their own problems and just ignoring all of that is just sad.
What? No, you shouldn't hit anyone. I just stated that men have problems that women dont have and that both lives are tough and one can not assume that a man's life is easier than a woman's
I don't understand the down vites here... He's got a point. Women have to endure certain things that men can't. Yes that is true. But they are also naturally equipped to handle it. Men are not. Writing off women having harder then men because of natural body occurrences isn't fair. They don't necessarily have it harder, just different.
· 11 years ago
Thanks for trying to help me out but I guess opinions of people with a penis is not wished for here.
Well it's not necessarily men's opinions that aren't wanted, it's more along the line that people don't want to see everything as equal. Personally I'm for the equal treatment of everyone, I've never seen girls as smarter than me not have I seen them weaker than me, I would never pay a woman less for any sort of job and I don't see it as justified. People are people no matter what race/gender/culture they come from, and nobody has it "harder" because of differences in any of the three factors mentioned before. But certain people don't see it that way, people always will always believe somebody has it better or worse regardless of what gender/race/culture they come from and those are the people that think negatively of our comments that shed light on the matter
I don't quite understand your intentions with this phrase
· 11 years ago
I mean that if you cant have something or be something that thing has a certain effect on you what makes you only see the good sides. With that I mean something like hey my country sucks and wanting to move but not seeing that other countries also have their up and downsides. You dont see the full picture. A woman might fail to see that a man's life has their downsides too, just like men fail to see a woman's life's downside.
Alright that where I thought you were going and I an see the logic behind it. I fully agree.
· 11 years ago
Feminists are the reason why we can vote, have a personal bank account... They don't want to treat men like dirt. I'm just disgusted by those anti-feminist comments!
Thank you. People who want women to have more rights than men aren't feminists. Feminism stands for equality, which is a good thing so i dont understand why everybody here 'hates' feminists
WHY DOES NO ONE SEEM TO UNDERSTAND WHAT FEMINISM IS !!! I KNOW SO MANY MALE FEMINISTS ITS NOT A WHINY GIRL THING !!! Its the the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. What everyone is always complaining about it called bitchiness, because horrible whiny, demanding girls exist . Their horribleness does not make feminism a bad thing, It makes them bad people.
A lot of groups have loud idiots. Seems only the dumbest of each group are the ones that are heard. Unfortunately, all we see on sites like tumblr and facebook are the man-hating, trans-exclusionary, radical feminists who don't stand for true equality and certainly not for /all/ women. It's nice to get a reminder from the true feminists every once in a while.
I'm very confused as to where it flat out says "domestic abuse" the post itself says "it's never ok to hit a woman ever" implying that it's never justified to harm a woman no matter the case
My guess is that it was taken from a domestic violence site and pasted to that groups feed (which is known for starting incendiary conversations) and hoping people would believe that there is a campaign out there supporting the idea of letting women kill whoever they want violently with absolutely no opposition. Because people do believe weird things.
But we went all through that- hopefully we can all sleep more soundly tonight.
I disagree with feminism. But I think that us woman are thought of as weaker than men so they think that if I woman hits a man it's brave because we're "weaker" and men could snap us in half so they think of woman as weaker and that's why they say its not okay to hit a woman. I don't agree with it though its not okay that's just what I think
Men making comments like that and deliberately misunderstanding messages against violence against women are why women think we're dense enough nit to understand the dangers of violence they face on a daily basis.
If you wanted to alter the picture to make it work, we could speak of domestic violence, a crime whose victims are overwhelmingly women and children, we would need to use more specific language, like "You had a bad day at work- is that worth causing her pain?" with a similar graphic. Then boom, message altered to one more specific that should suit everyone.
Become big, scary, autonomous beings with thoughts and feelings all their own. I am with you brother! Vindicated, could you just be a little less...seen? It makes me question my own masculinity when you're so confident.... thanks.
There's always video games and the internet. Good luck!
And about feminism, it's wrong to the extremes as any other extreme thing
And I completely agree with jessylynn this post isn't about men accepting to be stabbed to death by their wives it's rather about how they have to stop using physical strength to get rid of their frustrations
But we went all through that- hopefully we can all sleep more soundly tonight.