Yeah you're lucky but a lot of people that live at home get denied and stuff if their parents make to much money or something. I'm already like $20,000 in debt.
· 11 years ago
owww, sorry. there is money out there if you look. :)
It REALLY isn't. My parents have been saving since my sister was born for college and even with my siblings scholarships and they're doctors, it's hard to make ends meet so they don't have to go through that. My sister is in $10,000.
· 11 years ago
im not trying to say you will find all the money you need if you look, but it can help. At my university there is a program where if you have a 4.0 your tuition is free 3.9 it is half off and 3.8 it is a third. I know not everywhere is like that. I'm just saying it helps to look, i didn't think i would get anything but i ended up receiving several scholarships. :)
It is incredibly hard to pull those kinds of GPAs, especially if you're in engineering or sciences. I went to a four-year state university and came out with over $40,000 in debt (and that was with a few scholarships and grants). Thank God I went into Computer Science and I actually got a job. Most other majors are screwed.
· 11 years ago
The loan being written off after 30 years is a myth and bull. There are even people who don't earn £21,000 a year and the government is still demanding payment from them. By the time I finish I will be £27,000 ($45,000) in debt with no guarantee of a job. Although it's worse off in the USA, it's not plain sailing here either. Scotland on the other hand...
ugh honestly everyone looks up to the u.s. but we have the most fucked up government and education system. maybe a bit better than russia's and north korea's in the government part
We get student loans and the fees are about $5000 a year but they don't inform you that most people have to stay in uni halls which costs another $15000 a year, most people leave uni with about $30000 of debt
You don't have to take out loans. Start at a community college and take on a side job, living below your means at the time (no new car or iPhone 5), or (here's a crazy idea) don't go to that "dream" ivy league for an ego boost. Nowadays, many entrepreneurial fields don't even require college, just hard work and tenacity. College is NOT the only way. If you think outside of the box, you'll see that. College is only good for a credentialed field, like medicine, teaching, or law; certainly not something like literature or drama
Sorry if it sounds harsh, but people dig themselves into these holes. There's no reason to be 50k in debt. Maybe 10k when all is said and done. But not 50k
I worked full-time all throughout college at an overnight job so I wouldn't have debt. It was excruciating. Work ends at 7, school goes to 5, hop a bus, go to bed by 6, get three hours of sleep then do it all over again. My GF couldn't work because of the requirements of her major (music), and ended up about 20K in debt. She's now getting a masters degree that will put her another 50K in debt.
Sorry if it sounds harsh, but people dig themselves into these holes. There's no reason to be 50k in debt. Maybe 10k when all is said and done. But not 50k