My gay friend likes to tune into girl talk, especially when it comes to boobs and bra sizes. He also knows more about the vagina than most girls yet he finds them to be totally disgusting.
I've never understood why they think vagina's are disgusting. I'm a straight man and I don't think penises are disgusting. Granted, I don't want to touch one with a 10 foot pole, but I don't think it's gross. What would make him think they are disgusting? Just out of curiosity
I don't know why he does. He just finds them disgusting is all I know.
But he's taken some child human development classes and knows tons on pregnancy, child birth, even diseases that I've never heard of. Like if the girls in class were confused about something, he could sit there and explain everything in detail.
Oh sure, I know somebody in a medical class and, while I'm pretty sure he is straight, he can do the same thing. He's far more intelligent than I am, and I'm pretty damn bright or so my test scores say. I'm pretty sure he knows everything, lol
I just never understood that logic, though. Like that gay couple on American Dad. Whenever they see Francine's vagina, they both freak out like it's the Predators face on the Alien movies
I find them disgusting, and I'm a guy who has one. I don't mean any offense, just... Not interested. In the slightest. This includes seeing one. Or hearing about one.
· 11 years ago
That sounds like you said you're a guy with a vagina
Not to mention that small boobed girls tend to have more of a personality because they don't just let their tits hang out while men beg to see them. They actually engage you in conversation and you get to know them and fall in love with who they are instead of what they look like.
Just an opinion though.
Nooo T.T don't judge girls like this
I hate letting mine hang out BECAUSE they kinda distract people from the main point which is my personality so...i mostly wear sports bras and they squeeze my soul in there but yeah
Some girls with big breasts hate them cause they make one's life difficult (running/no bra no life/jumping/pain)
Noo suckstobeyou that wasn't stated as an opinion. And omg yes yup, it's a freaking nightmare, i hate it because people expect you to act the way suckstobeyou said, when I just want to talk.
Well this guy I was going out with; not anymore, doesn't really like boobs and I never understood why. I have pretty much good boobs and he never really goes on about them... So it seems this guy was not gay either o.O lol
But he's taken some child human development classes and knows tons on pregnancy, child birth, even diseases that I've never heard of. Like if the girls in class were confused about something, he could sit there and explain everything in detail.
I just never understood that logic, though. Like that gay couple on American Dad. Whenever they see Francine's vagina, they both freak out like it's the Predators face on the Alien movies
Just an opinion though.
I hate letting mine hang out BECAUSE they kinda distract people from the main point which is my personality so...i mostly wear sports bras and they squeeze my soul in there but yeah
Some girls with big breasts hate them cause they make one's life difficult (running/no bra no life/jumping/pain)