Spiderman rap for Justin Bieber
11 years ago by denizoken · 746 Likes · 12 comments · Trending
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· 11 years ago
i cri evrytimme
· 11 years ago
O mi gsh spoderman tht we hrtful y u do tht to me
· 11 years ago
To put it in the words of one of my favorite Homosexual comedians. “It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what." Stephen Fry. You should never let a word have power over you.
· 11 years ago
F****t isn't funny and shouldn't be used. It's a cruel, hateful word that's been used to hurt people. And, once again, the gays don't want him.
· 11 years ago
Quit being so sensitive damn...
· 11 years ago
Ha ha lol
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· 11 years ago
If a white person used the n-word, and a black man was offended, would you tell them to stop being so sensitive? No? Well, it's the same thing. Knock it off.
· 11 years ago
Would, and have many times. I would not call a black person a nigger but it doesn't mean everyone should freak the fuck out if someone does. Especially in a post not specifically directed at them
· 11 years ago
So it's okay for someone to use a word so hateful and dehumanizing? It's wrong and hurtful. It spreads hateful sentiment. There is nothing okay with using either word, and I'm going to say something every time they're used. For many of us, f** is the last word we hear before we're beaten, killed, or thrown from our homes. There should be no tolerance for such speech. Using the word means it's okay to treat us differently and not saying anything when someone uses that word also means it's okay.
· 11 years ago
I'm not necessarily saying it's ok, I'm just saying you shouldn't be so damn sensitive about it, nobody means any hate when they're using it in this instance, it's a harmless joke. You're gonna live you're whole life pissed at the world if you can't learn to stop reading more into things than were meant to be. Have you noticed that if something is said against gays on this website, the whole community attacks them? Well you're the only one who's all bent out of shape here, just forget about it, nobody meant any hate.
· 11 years ago
It's not harmless. This is once again pushing the idea that gay = negative. I flinch when people say that word, because it's never a positive thing. There are plenty of other insults a person can use. More fitting ones. Why do we have to resort to one that hurts an entire group?
· 11 years ago