I think everyone that works with the public should get one free bitch slap per week. People tend to be serious assholes because they know you'll lose your job if you say/do anything.
Amen!! At work yesterday a woman pulled me aside and screamed at me (yea screamed)about how crowded the store was. I could have really used that free slap
A local store I shop at a lot hired a new boy about a year ago. The first month he was smiling and chatting - a real joy to every costomer, even the once who did'nt even look at him. Slowly he started changing. He stopped chatting. He stopped greeting. He stopped smiling. Now he hardly looks at you. Coustomers being jerks ruined him. He was awsome, and now he's just as bad as them.
Yeah, I always smile and say hi really happy and try to get some emotion out of him. But he's aaaall gone. I hate that people have to be rude to the people working in stores. They always start out really friendly, and then they just fade away...
· 11 years ago
I have been working at a supermarket and I can say this damn accurate. Last week this woman came up to me giving me crap about how she cant find the certain cheese she is looking for and she flipped her shit when I said we didnt even sell it.
I think I would just stand there straight-faced and then when they calm down I would comeback with the fact that i'm just a cashier, not management.
P.s. Why did I get downvoted? It show's my future goals and asks a not super personal question.
· 11 years ago
Yeah it doesnt just work like that. People get angry over the weirdest bullshit.
My idea is to have an adult test everybody must take the day after their 18th birthday. Can you deal with slight disappointment without losing your shit? Can you say please and thank you? Can you realize that you aren't the only person in the world, and the employee waiting on you is trying to do their best? Congrats, you pass! If you fail, you get all purchasing privileges revoked and have to re-take it in six months. If you fail three times, you get sent to Failed Adult Prison, where you must get yelled and belittled for shit that is not your fault for a time not exceeding two years, but no less than six months. After your sentence is up, you get to test again. And the cycle continues.
I've been a manager at Walmart and Pizza Hut as well as other retailers and too many of the employees at stores I have managed or been to as a customer are rude assholes. Where is this magic store that teaches how to be polite?
P.s. Why did I get downvoted? It show's my future goals and asks a not super personal question.