Well let her serve time in the hell on earth, then the hell in hell. btw... not sure upvoting the meme means I support her sentencing... or her killing her son...
SHE IS SICK! A fucking 14 year old would prefer to murder her own birthed child, rather than confess to her parents that she had underage sex. AS IF THATS EVEN A CHOICE YOU WOULD CONSIDER YOU DISGUESTING BEAST!
her parents weren't exactly being parents if they didn't notice anything in the first place. those people are supposed to be her role models. If they don't show an interest, she learns it from them . . . . Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying her behavior, what she did is sick and disgusting.
Some people don't show signs. Like she could've found out when she didn't have her period but not grown much or just said she was gaining a little weight from growing too little. Unless she was already big before.
· 11 years ago
What the actual fuck.
· 11 years ago
That piece of shit doesn't even look like she cares what she did.
There's a user here called princesszelda that kinda sorta looks like the girl above, but not really. She disappeared once before because she got arrested, I believe it was.
go read the article. She was not forced to get pregnant. She hid it from her parents then went and shoved a towel in her mouth when her water broke and gave birth in her bathroom. she then STRANGLED the baby and hid it in a box in her closet where her mother found it after it started ROTTING. I do know her story thank you very much.
I don't care if her parents are military-strict assholes. You don't murder a baby because you made poor choices and decided not take care of it because you were afraid of your parents. I can't believe she thought she could get away with it. And how did no one see the baby bump? unless she's fat (which she doesn't look like in the pic) then everyone around her is blind or inane. Please let this be a fake story like that bald eagle that picked up the kid in the park in that youtube video that was for a project. I pray she learns a lesson in prison.
Saying please and stuff. *applauds* (:
But yeah, die please.
It's a joke. She was one of the few cool people on here. Why would I be serious?