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· 11 years ago
But... Dragons aren't real? :'(
· 11 years ago
The universe is so vast and beautiful. There is much more to it than the human eye is allowed to see. dragons could exist, but we just can't see them. There are some things in life that we know are real and just can't see. I'm sure dragons exist somewhere.
· 11 years ago
Thank you, superwholockpotter. : ) I feel much better, now.
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· 11 years ago
Glad to be of service.
· 11 years ago
You know how we have three color rods in our eye (red, green, blue)? What if there are beings out their that have colors made up of colors that we can't see. Like manti have 16 color rods allowing them to see more colors so maybe they see them and that's why they're always wide-eyed. O_O
· 11 years ago
The truth has been spoken! All supposedly "mythical" creatures like dragons and wizards are REAL!
· 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
OH Thank you for that insight emptyvoid! You have give me hope that all those creatures are real!
· 11 years ago
I'm sorry. being antisocial makes it to where I can't detect sarcasm. Please tell if you are being sarcastic.
· 11 years ago
I wasn't. I do truly thank you. I can see where you thought I was sarcastic, but no. I was being honest
· 11 years ago
Awesome! *extends hand of friendship*
· 11 years ago
*shakes hand of friendship* Friends.
· 11 years ago
Even though human eyes can't detect all wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum, we have devices that can detect all of them and therefore there are no hidden "colours". It is likely you will have already heard of all the types of energy waves that exist: Radio, Microwave, Infra-red, Visible Light, Ultraviolet, X-ray, Gamma. Dragons do not exist and never will. The only possible time period when they could have existed would have been during the same time as the dinosaurs since the atmosphere contained enough oxygen to support such large creatures. Nasa has also just completed a study of a vast amount of Space and found no possible candidates for planets that could support life. Extrapolating to the rest of the universe we can conclude with reasonable certainty that life does not exist anywhere except earth. Some people call this depressing, intelligent people call it science.
· 11 years ago
You do realize that human being haven't discovered all forms of energy that can detect everything! The and besides, supposedly 'mythical' creatures could exist, just on a different planet in a different galaxy. You never can truly discover everything. the universe is constantly growing and changing and evolving. And maybe they did exist at some point. Like you said, they cold have possibly existed during the period when dinosaurs were roaming earth. And NASA has done a study of space to detect any planets that could support HUMAN life. Who's to say aliens haven't adapted and are made to live in places that don't have water or an atmosphere?
· 11 years ago
I wonder if the guest considered the fact that we were joking.
· 11 years ago
Plus the guest is wrong. While I do not believe in dragons or any of that nonsense, I do feel obligated to point out that it is not a reasonable extrapolation to assume that life exists nowhere but earth. There are tens of billions of planets in the Milky Way alone, so if you're just going to play the odds then I'd say it's a safe bet that there is life somewhere else besides earth. It might even be in the local cluster.
· 11 years ago
Excuse you, wizards are real, okay?! Get your facts straight.
· 11 years ago
I love people.
· 11 years ago
How bout me?
· 11 years ago
Doesn't it feel so damn good to use your superior intellect to bring down others?
· 11 years ago
No Drano, we were being sarcastic right precious?
· 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Idk. People expect you to believe a magic man in the air. So who created god? Did another god create god?
· 11 years ago
That's one of the greatest question I believe in history. We have the answer about where we came from. It's called the big bag/god's hand. I get shit from both sides saying science and religion can coexist but believe me, they can and one day I will prove it. We just have to wait to we get to the pearly gates to ask the man.
· 11 years ago
If "god" sent down his son jesus to prove he exists etc. Why wouldn't he do it again? There are billions more people now that don't believe in him, and he obviously cares that people believe he exists or he wouldn't have bothered sending us jesus the first time. Can you really not see how ridiculous the whole idea is? And why does science and religion need to co-exist? Science benefits every single person alive right now and everyone who will be alive in the future, religion barely even benefits those who believe in it. But the really big question is; what is the point in anything? What is the purpose of life? Not even the bible gives us an answer to that question. There is no purpose, and that scares a lot of people; it scares them into believing in god as far as I can see.
· 9 years ago
Simple. It is because, him coming down to earth will be just to satisfy lust of knowledge. If you read bible, not many believes him when he came the first time. And btw, science doesn't give you goals either. People need spiritual lives to enforce themselves, reaching higher goals. If religion can help, why not? It doesn't have to be religion. And I bet, you actually have faith on some kind of "god", it's just that you hate Christians. You love science? Sir, there's your god.
· 11 years ago
Unicorns are real, don't try to lie to me. I'm not delusional, btw.
· 11 years ago
Irony: Atheists spend more time thinking and talking about God than most believers do.
· 11 years ago
Nope. Can't say I do. Only time I spend time thinking of god is when I see or hear something completely insane believers say or do. (Which, when I come to think of it, is quite often. Dammit.) When this happens I giggle a little, then I proceed feeling sad that som many people, for so long time, have ruined so much for human kind with their believes and their urge to make others believe the same. There are plenty of fantasy books out there. Open your eyes.
· 11 years ago
It always annoys me that it is the most radical voices that people hear, rather than the moderate majority. And please don't disrespect others' faiths by comparing them to a fantasy book.
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· 11 years ago
How can I not, when people disrespect so much in the name of faith? By conveniently picking bits and pieces from an old book. A book about a dude claiming he was the son of god. With stories written around 50-100 years after he died. With so many historical facts ass backwards they are hard to add up with a calculator. A dude who was appointed the son of god, by men voting 300 years later? Come on.
· 11 years ago
Don't act as though all religious people are the same, just as not all non religious people are the same. We are all entitled to our beliefs and I simply ask that you do not act quite so disrespectful
· 11 years ago
Whats ironic? People who actually spent time discussing and asking questions about god instead of shutting down their imaginations and ability to reason and apply logic and blindly accepting dogma and canon are likely more spiritual than those who do. Those who don't question had all their decisions and ideas made up for them. "Atheists" just want facts and information, evidence. And because of that, they're more likely to get it. Seek and ye shall find.
· 11 years ago
How about you learn some courtesy for others. How about you realize that even if some believers and some atheists are rude that should not affect you. YOU SHOULD TREAT PEOPLE WITH RESPECT. Why ? BECAUSE BELIEF IS IMPORTANT ! Not everything needs to be smothered in irony and irreverence. If you want your opinion out there, publish a paper, write a book, preach a sermon. Telling people they are stupid is no way to get people to believe in a religion, and no way to get them to stop. Learn how to treat people, for goodness sake. It is not difficult.
· 11 years ago
Hey dranonmilkshake, I'm a christian, I love science with with a second passion (electrical engineering being the first) and my primary goal is to one day bridge the gap between religion and science. People say they cannot coincide but you know what I think? What we label as science is what I believe are the process of our creation by god and the laws that he has bound us to.
· 11 years ago
Think about it, 7 days to create the universe and us? Even as a christian that seems a little far-fetched. Researchers say the earth is 4.55 (if i'm correct) billion years old. Have you ever seen "The Genesis Code"? It pretty much correlates with einstein's theory that gravity and time are tethered. But in the movie it is theorized that as the universe expanded time also stretched which made things longer, so in the eyes of God it took "7 days" but in the eyes and knowledge of a human it took 4.55 billion years.
· 11 years ago
God is lawless and that's why christians say he can do anything, everytime we try to understand God we (at least I) get a headache. Like, where did he come from? The only way we will know is by asking him. It's easy for us to say "where did we come from?"" because we have two answers that are compatible if the truth is applied.
· 11 years ago
The problem most reasonable people have with your premise is that even a moderate religious believer is still bound by what it says in a really old book, that was written by a relatively small number of people situated in a very small middle eastern location. Furthermore, even if your hypothesis that the "7 day" creation can be resolved scientifically as the result of a gravity-time warp, how would the authors of the Bible ever know that? Literally none of the assumptions made in the bible have been tested in a scientific way and therefore scientific people rightly have little respect for such a viewpoint.