HA when someone says something like this, people give them so much attention. In the first pic, she is covered in acne, so there would be no way in hell anyone would date her
It might not go away. Especially if it's caused by an imbalance of hormones. For example if she has PCOS, the extra testosterone associated with the disorder often leads to acne and hairloss; but more importantly it often results in infertility too. So outward appearances are a good indicator of inner health, and this girl does not look healthy. That is why I wouldn't be attracted to her anyway.
You're joking, right? Are you really using a medical issue to cover your superficial preferences? You clearly care more about what's on the outside than the inside, so that's your loss.
He had a point though. Because of evolution, people are subconsciously attracted to things that indicate good genes and reproductive health and are put off by things that would indicate otherwise. You can't be mad at someone for following their evolutionary drives. You should praise those who can look beyond it though.
(I say all this as a woman with PCOS)
· 11 years ago
she's pretty either way so how is it 'scare them'?
It could really scare them because she would take her makeup off and look very different
· 11 years ago
if you didn't notice there are lighting differences as well. subtle, but likely they make her skin look clearer as well. All in all i think the most noticeable difference is the fake eyelashes :D other then that idk
Same foes for Jenna marbles! She looks good without makeup! And wearing heavey makeup can cause or worsen acne. Actually other than some red spots she looks the same to me.
I remember when I was younger, and everybody started wearing makeup when I never did (and still do, I never applied makeup to myself EVER), and they were like "Wow, you're gonna be really pretty when you grow up, it's too late for me". It was odd at the time.
No, no. Of course not. I shave my legs because they make me feel more comfortable in my skin, but I wear pants outside the house, and am going to be single for quite some time, and have been.
Good, I was worried there for a second. But you know what's crazy, my guy friends point out when I'm not wearing makeup more than my girl friends do. Yet another reason...
seriously something has got me mystified about that smile. Maybe it's the tongue. It makes me think she's trying to be more silly and cute than sexy. I accidentally missed my Econ midterm and I'm afraid it's gonna have a profound effect on my life
You screwed up. Sometimes there is no happy ending dude. Missing one midterm might not do it, but the fact that it happened shows it is likely to happen again. It is definitely not a character trait of high achievers at least. Maybe prepare yourself for a life of mediocrity. Just sayin'
C'mon guys, although everyone's saying that she's beautiful either way we all know that more than half of the people who would take her home looking like the lower pic and wake up next to her looking like the upper one would be at least slightly shocked. It's the truth.
I've been on this site for a little while and each I notice even more bullshit and hypocrisy. a lot of it seems fake and I find myself becoming more and more of a stranger here But at least there's a general sense of civility. Because of that this sanctuary is progressed miles ahead of any other social website. I don't know if any of you saw it, but in kindergarden hanging up someone on the wall are the words "Treat others as you would like to be treated" sooo many people ignore it. so many people that manufactured hate has become generally accepted behavior. But I have hope, as time progresses the good and the bad will fluctuate but the one thing I believe can and will remain consistently progressive is human nature. I believe that when it comes to humans compassion and understanding for each other each passing moment will always be better than the last.
I would rather have constructive criticism than sickly sweet platitudes. A pleasant lie is still a lie and can still cause damage, albeit in a very different way.
It bothers me that how she can transform herself 'scares' the person who made this photo. She's beautiful in both pictures and the reason she probably wears makeup to hide her blemishes is because of shallow people, like the one who pointed out the transformation and made the photo. Just my own opinion...
You know how girls say real beauty is not just skin-deep, well this girl is obviously not beautiful on the inside otherwise she wouldn't have acne. Most boys take into account health indicators when judging a potential mate, even if it is subconscious. Acne is not an indicator of health, and it is not attractive.
(I say all this as a woman with PCOS)
Don't be rude
I mean god damn it smile a little more you're beautiful. You to Kristen