I'm sorry, but purely to avoid confusion, little kids should dress their gender. When I saw a kid in a pink shirt and skirt and referred to HIM as 'girl' I damned near got sued for 'Emotional Damages'.
Why can't you (and all of us) adjust the way you address people whose gender you are unsure of? I am sure if you would have said "Hey buddy, I like your shirt- what's your name?" You would have gotten a really positive response :-)
If I have a son, I plan on letting him where whatever the hell he wants. The only time I would object to him dressing like a girl is when he was older, because I wouldn't want other immature kids to make fun of him. But if he wants to do it, he can and I'll have some choice words for anyone who says otherwise. Same if I had a daughter. She can dress like a boy if she wants and I wouldn't even question it. If she told me she wanted to buy a boy's shirt, and vice versa with a son, the only questions I would ask would be size and color.
There's nothing wrong with addressing child by their gender like famousone did, because it would be pretty much impossible to always refer to them in a gender-neutral way. Kids should wear what they like - and, if you do make a mistake, then that should be fine and forgiven immediately; "Emotional Damages' is a ridiculous thing to claim for a mistake as small as that.
I agree- mistakes happen, definitely. But in situations where you are getting to know people, if you are worried about offending someone by calling them the wrong gender, it's just a little more work to use gender neutral pronouns until you have a name or they identify themselves as he, she, etc.
Patents just need to get over it. My baby wears pink and travels in a pink cat seat with a pink blanket and some people still call her "he". I don't let it bother me because there is no reason for it to. It's not that big of a deal.
· 11 years ago
When I was a kid I only wore boys clothes and only played with toys meant for boys. I grew out of it eventually but my mum was completely supportive, which is the important thing :)
i was a tomboy till i got in high school and i even had a boy name, i got myself a boy name and everyone thought i was a boy, but now i dress like a girl sometimes i dress like a boy but just for the fun of it , my family and everyone else thought i will grow up to be a lesbian but they were wrong, i'm straight and the clothes that i wear don't define my sexuality.
And this is why I fear being an adult. (16 so....yeah.) everyone has the mindset that you're supposed to act this or that way, and when you don't you get labeled. When you're still a child (grade school not high-that's a completely different story) people accept you--even want to take after you. Now in this days society, being feminine=gay; being involved in the opposite sex=mentally sick, etc. it's like everything in the world is gender privy.
It seems we learn a lot from these kids as it says in the post. Everyone should be accepting of others. I know a bi kid and he gets picked. I only see him in one period (high scool) so I can only help him in that period. Most of the people at my school don't tolerate Gays much. They won't say anthing to their face but they will talk behind their back.
People need to stop trying to label kids and pigeonhole them into certain types of clothing, toys, and interests. Just let kids be. Boys can like girly clothes and toys and still be just as boyish and straight as boys that like typical boy things. Vice versa for girls.
I say this as a conservative woman.
Putting aside what ever I think about the subject matter, isn't it a bit hypocritical if you are basically doing the same thing that they have done to you. I.e. Shaming them online instead of 1:1? You have found a group of people who support what you are saying, and you are collectively bashing another group of individuals who don't think alike; claiming they are wrong/bad etc. Just saying.
I am a teacher sub and one of my class I sub for very often is a pre-k class and it is about 8 boys and 5 girls. One of their play areas is dress up and in the dress up box is a ton of princess outfits and little aprons and tiaras and head bands to go with them. Now there is also old suit jackets and ties and other male themed options to dress up in. But number one outfits all and I mean ALL the kids want to dress up as is snow white. The dress is so cute it was handmade by the teachers mom. It looks like Snow Whites dress right out of the movie. The little boys will wear it even to potty time which is during play time. We take them one by one to change diapers or to the potty. The little boys keep the dress on because they say if a girl gets it they never get a turn.
Maybe they all talking behind his back and will never be friends with him. Chester will end up a terrible cross dresser confused about his own sexuality. He'll end up crusing the pages of funsubstance all night under the handle of calmthelovelytits.
Or perhaps the only people who would mock him are the small, sad ones who never could develop proper social skills, for whatever the reason because of something broken within themselves- so it turns out it saves him much time and heartache not having to deal with those individuals. Those people who bully others, like you are right now, under a handle called fluffybunny.
I say this as a conservative woman.