As an American I can say that this is true to about 85% of the population. Everyone else is either military, REAL christ followers, or the occasional kid that hasn't been tainted by his fellow peers.
Sorry. At the moment I was only thinking of the asshole christians that claim to be who they aren't. Let me revise. "People who hold their god/gods/spiritual beings/martyrs highly and follow them in every way they can, e.g. be nice to everyone no matter who they are (especially gays btw)."
I don't have any spiritual/ religious beliefs and I'm not military and I've had people from other countries not believe me when I told them I was american cause they said I was to polite to be one
You're one of the kids who hasnt been tainted by his peers. You have been taught to be polite (or just born that way like me), and I pray the day will come when people like us finally get through people heads to stop stereotyping everyone.
· 11 years ago
I can be either the rudest sob you have ever met. Or be the politest man in the world, depending how people act. And I have been raised like that.
I too am the same way. I try my hardest to not be rude and I can usually hold it in but there is always that one person who is persistent and finally breaks the rusty lock.
I want to like this post, but it has exactly 666 likes. and I don't want to fuck that up. *first world problems* Plus I'm the cool laid back neighbour and I can just come back later, lol.
I hate how everyone thinks that you have to be Canadian to be polite. I mean I'm American and I'm polite and when I go somewhere, people are amazed like " Wow white girl got some manners!" And surprisingly I've already been asked several times if I was Canadian. You can be from whatever country to be polite. But I still think that we all agree that Canada is still pretty fucking awesome!
Sorry for long comment. (:
· 11 years ago
I know this post Is a little bit racist I guess. But I'm polite and I'm not Canadian
I can honestly say as a non-american that both Canadians and people from the US that I've met are equally polite. I mean, compared to northern europe where I come from you guys are practically saints.
I love it when the newbies let me know they're going to be just another in a long list of users and guests who'll hold a grudge until the day they die if you do so much as disagree with their (hilariously fucked up in this day and age) views.
I don't plan to hold a grudge or start another long thread. I've found that you are just another hard-headed asshole who doesn't like someone elses view because it's not yours all while trying to make yourself look smooth and cool. Not today, Not tomorrow, Not never.
Have you considered the possibility that you're just not clever enough to recognize cleverness when you see it? Of course you haven't. You'd have to be clever in order to consider something. Like how letting gays into your "life circle" doesn't automatically let the "sin" spread to you.
I never said it automatically let homosexuality spread to you. You just let another entrance for satan to come and find ways to ruin your spiritual walk. And have you considered that maybe your cleverness isn't clever at all? and that you're just another pompous ass?
Its not me. Its you not understanding what I'm saying because its not your point of view. Take the words you told me earlier, be a little more open-minded.
Yeah. Typical modern extreme right wing Christian. Nobody understands you. Everyone is out to get you.
The problem is that we understand you people all too well. The sooner you realize that you don't have all the answers, and that other people can see through your bullshit, the sooner we can grow as a species.
I believe its the other way around. I teach what I learn directly from the bible and do my best to teach it with love and try to bridge the gap between religion and science. You on the other hand don't like it when someone doesn't believe what you believe and attack them. I have state this several times and each and every reply to it has strengthened that belief. And you don't understand me, you don't even know me. If you understand me, tell me what kind of person I am. Not as a christian, but as a human. And yes, I agree that I do not have all the answer, but my goal is to find them unlike you who sits there and lets others feed him so you go around spreading their ideas.
I see. Your ending this like a child. The very same thing you claimed I was. I hope God takes your stubborness and makes good use out of it. Anyway, God bless you. Good night.
· 11 years ago
I have to go with mgoveia for this one here. Though he couldve said it more polite.
They aren't actually. Many other foreign countries are always surprised by how polite Americans are. (In fact, one example is Japan, surprisingly enough.)
· 11 years ago
Actually a few minority of Americans are rude and some just hate America because of the media
What if I told you that you lack reading comprehension? I was referring to taking her on a citywide tour to show her all the rude people we have around here, in order to open her eyes to the true extent of some American's rudeness.
Ok. Reading the comments, hopefully this will clear out some things. 1. You don't have to be Canadian to be polite. It doesn't matter where you come from. 2. Yes, Canadians are polite and awesome but some are rude. 3. There are people that are very nice and polite from other countries too. Just clearing some things up :)
Sorry for long comment. (:
The problem is that we understand you people all too well. The sooner you realize that you don't have all the answers, and that other people can see through your bullshit, the sooner we can grow as a species.
Please. No more.