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· 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
I wish you guys would stop getting "mad" about reposting, just scroll past it, some others probably didn't get to see it (like me)... You don't yell rerun when a tv show plays the same episode again. It just annoys me sometimes
· 11 years ago
I wouldn't get angry at reposts if they didn't go up on the SAME DAY. "Didn't see it" doesn't cut it when the post is the exact same on the same day, 3 hours later. It's a load of bull
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· 11 years ago
"DIDN'T SEE IT" cuts for me , i didn't see the first post maybe because it's on another page and I'm still on the fresh page or whatever reason. It's a website you have no control over, so what exactly are you angry about?? Just keep scrolling, idky it bothers you THAT much..
· 11 years ago
It wouldn't bother me if this person didn't get the credit for posting the picture. The fact that this is here and people are liking THIS is just like if someone sold something, but someone else stole their idea and made more money off of it because people saw the stolen idea and not the original.
· 11 years ago
Dude, that's happens everyday but it's a picture on a website that got reposted, oh well. The original poster isn't losing money and the likes don't help with his daily struggles. It seems you're really pressed about this repost tho, sir.
· 11 years ago
Ah! You're my new hero