I'm ready for the storm of downvotes, but oh well. (In my opinion) it's disgusting how he only wants Lily. Sure, he had a major crush on Lily but to me it just comes off as more of an obsession than love. He joined an organization devoted to slaughtering her kind, and didn't even care about HER happiness. He only wanted her to himself, and didn't care if her only months old son and husband died. He never forgave James for some stupid duels when they were younger, which Snape FOUGHT BACK IN. James saved his life by keeping him away from the Shrieking Shack when Lupin was turning into a werewolf, but Snape still didn't care if he was murdered! And sure, he was trying to protect Harry while he was at Hogwarts The only thing he makes up for is his attitude to HARRY. But what about the others? Neville Longbottom's worst fear in the world was this professor. Snape also bashed on Hermione just for being smart! He instills fear in everyone. Some of his actions can be forgiven, but not all.
By the way, it's fine if you don't agree because there is no argue that SOME of his deeds were brave, noble, and heroic, not to mention they saved the heroes multiple times. But overall, I think he gets way more credit than he deserves. JK Rowling created a very complex, debatable character in Severus Snape that I find really interesting.
· 11 years ago
You raise some interesting points - I would love to debate them all in detail, but I think I'd break my comment limit ;) I definitely agree Snape is one of the most complex characters of the series - arguably more so than Dumbledore and Riddle. He certainly evolved a great deal, though I think his personality and attitude was forever scarred by his being bullied and then Lily's choosing of the bully over him. She seems to have been one of, if not the only, positive things in Severus' childhood and life, explaining why he grew to become somewhat obsessed. His hatred for James only increasing as he kept Snape's love from him; because of this, Snape was probably never able to see any of James' positive acts towards him (such as the Lupin incident) as kindnesses. All of this led to him being cold and detached - wanting to avoid any such future emotional harm - which, over time, developed into the cruelty we see towards Longbottom and co. (the other Gryffindors, especially, as they easily
· 11 years ago
represented the gang of Gryffindors that bullied him). I can see where you're coming from - but I just like to believe he was a bullied boy that grew into a damaged, yet brave, man who never stopped loving Lily (rather than an obsessed, selfish and cruel man who cared little for anyone other than himself and anyone he could use as a substitute for Lily).
Always lovely to chat characterisation with a fellow Potter-fan :)
(And, oh look, this reply was only supposed to be short, but it still managed to turn into a lot of points! Blame J.K.'s literary finesse!)
So much of the book for goblet was left out! I've doing a thing where after I read the book I watch the movie with my mom and point out differences. Well azkaban got challenging and now I'm just like, "mom, there's to many I can't explain anymore."
Everyone is forgetting that lily isn't like the bully James. She HATED him. Remember she even told snape (when he said she was falling for him like everyone else) how much he despised him. She only started to like him and go out with him AFTER he changed and became more humble.
· 11 years ago
(I only commented for the debate above. Don't mind me.) I don't get the 'her memory' part. Her son is Harry Potter, her memory would probably live on forever
Always lovely to chat characterisation with a fellow Potter-fan :)
(And, oh look, this reply was only supposed to be short, but it still managed to turn into a lot of points! Blame J.K.'s literary finesse!)