Humans evolved to eat meat. If we never ate meat,our brain function would be a lot less, there would be nothing modern in the world. We would probably not know language either. So it's fine that you don't like or want to eat meat, but don't make it seem like humans are natural born vegetarians
In the end whether humans evolved to eat meat or live a vegetarian lifestyle, it has less to do with anatomy and more to do with ethics and personal values.
Actually there's a fuckton of proofs that support the theory that humans are evolved to eat meat. Our teeth and pretty much our whole anatomy is one big proof. If we weren't evolved to eat meat, we'd be slower - predators need to be fast to catch prey. Our teeth wouldn't be so strong. And, most importantly, if we were herbivores, our stomach wouldn't be able to digest meat. We wouldn't even find it edible.
Humans are omnivores - we need to eat everything to function properly. There is nothing to discuss about that.
But you're right, nowadays it's realy just a choice, because you can be a proud vegan who claims to save the nature, but in order for your body to function, you need to dope yourself with a fuckload of industrially made chemicals and vitamins that you would normally find in meat. Or, if you're not a hypocritical vegan, you'll have some health problems.
There isn't a vitamin that's only produced by meat. It is difficult to get them otherwise, but not impossible. Vitamin B12 is one of these. It's made by bacteria and most recommend you take supplements whether you eat meat or not. And you try eating meat raw like an animal. You can't. You wouldn't be able to digest uncooked meat, assuming you can swallow it in the first place. As for speed, prey animals are fast, too. When's the last time you've seen a slow horse?
There are many people that eat meat completely raw. You can digest it, where on earth have you heard that you can't eat meat raw? You shouldn't do it for risk of parasites but it's possible. Also horses and herbivores can do fine without meat because they've adapted and evolved not to.
songofthewhitestag is definitely my least favourite funsubstance user. Just my opinion.
· 11 years ago
At least they are a user; don't hide behind anonymity and the "just my opinion" excuse to insult others unprovoked. I happen to think 'Stag is one of the most informative, back-boned and patient Funsubstancers on the site, and I'm sure many would agree. So either go sign up or go away.
Humans are omnivores - we need to eat everything to function properly. There is nothing to discuss about that.
But you're right, nowadays it's realy just a choice, because you can be a proud vegan who claims to save the nature, but in order for your body to function, you need to dope yourself with a fuckload of industrially made chemicals and vitamins that you would normally find in meat. Or, if you're not a hypocritical vegan, you'll have some health problems.