Here is a list of some of the positive-resulting acts passed/legislation carried out just since 2001:,_2001-present
This includes acts such as the 'No Child Left Behind' which assisted in the development of basic skills for disadvantaged children for schooling; the 'Combating Autism Act' (2006) that injected more than $1 billion into funding for preventing, diagnosing and developing treatment and care for citizens on the autism spectrum; and the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010' which allowed gays, lesbians, and bisexuals to serve openly in the United States Armed Forces. It ended the policy in place since 1993 that allowed them to serve only if they kept their sexual orientation secret and the military did not learn of their sexual orientation.
These are just a few examples from the page that show that your government HAS done much to help the American people since 1988, unlike your claim suggests.
I was clearly exaggerating when I said that. I know they did some good things. But the bad things they have done severely tip the scale towards the bad side. The United States spends in 5 days the amount if money it makes in 1 calendar year
And for the record. No child left behind is NOT a good thing. It puts children that shouldn't be out of their grade because they are not ready. It gives the adult working population an influx if people who probably should still be in the 6th grade. For example, there is this kid names Scotty Morris in my school, he is 18 and just now made it into freshman year. And because of no child left behind, he is also graduating this year,_2001-present
This includes acts such as the 'No Child Left Behind' which assisted in the development of basic skills for disadvantaged children for schooling; the 'Combating Autism Act' (2006) that injected more than $1 billion into funding for preventing, diagnosing and developing treatment and care for citizens on the autism spectrum; and the 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010' which allowed gays, lesbians, and bisexuals to serve openly in the United States Armed Forces. It ended the policy in place since 1993 that allowed them to serve only if they kept their sexual orientation secret and the military did not learn of their sexual orientation.
These are just a few examples from the page that show that your government HAS done much to help the American people since 1988, unlike your claim suggests.