Practical skills are useful too
11 years ago by atlanica · 2642 Likes · 16 comments · Popular
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· 11 years ago
YES!! Thank you, someone finally gets this! I want to go into a career involving art(graphic design mostly) and my school is making me take all these advanced placement exams so I'm more "well rounded". Because I'm totally going to need calculus and physics to design an ad. Thanks, school system!
· 11 years ago
Exactly. In order to go to a good university, you have to be great at so many things that won't help you in your field of choice. For example, even though I love sports (like cheer ;) I don't like how they play a role in what college you go to if you are going to major in something completely unrelated to them!
· 11 years ago
Exactly! That's why I'm starting to check out colleges now. I've already scheduled an interview with someone from the Art Institute(I'm a junior, so no scholarships for me yet -.-)
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· 11 years ago
That's awesome! If you are interested in art, I think you should be able to focus on it and be rewarded for that. Colleges say they don't want one trick ponies, but an engineer doesn't get paid for their singing abilities.
· 11 years ago
Nice! I go to one of the Art Institute campuses. I'm in the animation program.
· 11 years ago
You probably will need calculus (especially on big projects) There is a lot of the technical aspect with position, sizing, curvature that you have to take into consideration and having that math skill will help. I'm not saying that you're wrong and that you should definitely go to college, it's just something to think about. I hope all goes well on your interview and get into the program that you want.
· 11 years ago
Song, can I just ask what made you want to go into animation? I want to animate too, but I'm currently on both sides of the fence.
· 11 years ago
I actually wanted to go into game design. I was told that Media Arts and Animation was more versatile and very close, anyway. But it was mostly because the campus that I needed to go to (because my parents want to keep a tight leash) didn't have a game design program. Because animation has only seven classes that are different from the game design program, I'm going to go to a different campus to take those. Once I'm done with animation, of course. Animation is still a pretty good fit for me, though. I just have too many different ideas for different things. The animators are the craziest people at my school, but we're all the same kind of crazy. We all get along well. : )
· 11 years ago
Pushing different classes to make kids more "well rounded" is a completely different subject from pushing kids that they HAVE to go to college. In fact, its kinda counter to the argument made in the post. By forcing different subjects on the kids, it makes them 1) learn at least a little bit about it 2) lets them see if thats something they'd want to go into later rather than just letting them think they know what it is and that they dont like it (kinda like forcing kids to eat a new food before saying they dont like it) This would be helping them "explore their options" instead of letting them figure it out. 3) Just about every subject has potential to make use of every other subject. I can't think of a single job that literally only uses 1 subject. Graphic designer for example, you still need math to figure out how to stay profitable, how to calculate your costs, etc. You might need to use some calculus to figure out as kiki said curvature, etc. If you cant, you'll have to calculate
· 11 years ago
calculate how much it would cost to hire somebody else to do it for you. You might use some engineering to make sure your design is feasible. Physics and Chemistry, you might need to use it to make sure that billboard design you made will actually stay up and not fall down. Or that wind or rain or snow won't overload it and break it. Or make sure the paint you are using won't be affected by weather or other stuff that might come into contact with it. Every technical aspect you can figure out and do yourself, is either going to save you money, make you more money, or make things easier for you. It makes you more marketable, if I'm looking at 2 people and 1 of em can do a whole lot more for me so I don't have to hire others later, I'm much more inclined to hire that person instead, AND pay them more for it.
· 11 years ago
i can't get behind this. life is rarely linear and we often do not end up where we thought we would be. unfortunately a lot of emphasis is placed on the decisions we make when we're young and i can assure you that being unqualified is a poor decision. college is pushed because it can more often than not give you the experiences needed t
· 11 years ago
I don't know about other countries, but in the UK at least, having a degree doesn't even guarantee a higher paying job any more. There are literally thousands of graduates working minimum wage jobs, and so many people have degrees they have basically lost most of their value.
· 11 years ago
Agreed. I personally, needed and wanted college, but a good friend of mine thats...less than smart....was told he HAD to go to college since thats what people do after high school. Well he had crap grades so he couldn't hardly get any financial aid, and then spent 3 years racking up debt in college before finally flunking out. He ended up later going to a trade school to learn welding, and has a job doing that now. He woulda been TONS better off if he'd just been able to go straight to that from HS rather than waste all that time and rack up all that debt in college
· 11 years ago
Finally, someone who understands me!
· 11 years ago
I don't want to go to a university
· 11 years ago
I agree that colleges need to change the way they require classes, but I disagree that people shouldn't go. College was the best experience of my life and I think everyone learns a lot of valuable things by going to college.