I'm confused as to which doctor who everyone is watching, there are like ten on Netflix?
· 11 years ago
we like all the doctors, try them all they each have something going for them. they are generally cut into two, the 'classic' doctor who ( like the first 8(, and the 'new' doctor who (9 and counting), both are good
Doctor Who reference. Everyone is 50928645098274309852709587209845620847520983% sure he was going to say "I love you" in one of the episodes (It's (surprisingly) possible he wasn't, but very unlikely). He got cut off.
They're right, people WILL hate guests more than registered users. Much to my regret, my e-mail account it fucking broken (don't ask how, I don't know, I've done everything possible and it won't work. Hasn't been working for months, and it barely gives me time to read the few pieces of mail I get) so I can't register at the moment. However, when I can...Ohh, yes, when I can my life can get better.
· 11 years ago
I'm hyperventilating
· 11 years ago
Did anyone else see the 'Hey there Rose Tyler song'?
In one episode, the Doctor's companion (trying to keep out specifics here, in case you or someone else reading hasn't watched) got sort of transported to an alternate dimension. Without certain technology, which he didn't have, the Doctor couldn't go back and get her. She was stuck. However, he found a way to send a message to her, and a holographic image of the Doctor, projected from the T.A.R.D.I.S, could talk to her. So they chatted a bit, asked how thing were going for them, and as the time was ending on his hologram, he said,"*companions name,*I-" and it cut out. A majority of the people watching were expecting "I love you," but we'll never know. And those same people don't like it too much when it's brought up again.
In one episode, the Doctor's companion (trying to keep out specifics here, in case you or someone else reading hasn't watched) got sort of transported to an alternate dimension. Without certain technology, which he didn't have, the Doctor couldn't go back and get her. She was stuck. However, he found a way to send a message to her, and a holographic image of the Doctor, projected from the T.A.R.D.I.S, could talk to her. So they chatted a bit, asked how thing were going for them, and as the time was ending on his hologram, he said,"*companions name,*I-" and it cut out. A majority of the people watching were expecting "I love you," but we'll never know. And those same people don't like it too much when it's brought up again.
I can understand why