I actually don't mind this.... Considering lately the only replies on my comments have been people telling me I'm probably a loser in real life and bragging about how I lost an argument with a guest in the Internet. So yeah, I'd love to get a notification that isn't that.
Thanks Lace, it's just kind of bugging me that one of these things that's been said to me got up voted a fair number of times (as it went from negative 5 to 0) and my comment defending my self got downvoted, so yeah,I'm kind a bummed about that.
Actually there's a lot said against me on this one, some of it I walked into, but the one that's really getting to me is the one that was unprovoked. It was some time after I replied about that guy with the offensive user name getting banned, so the original comment is hidden! you may have to look for it since there's a lot hidden on this one
Well my friends,the dick who insulted me got an account that is insulting me, the account is called crashbandifag, and if that doesn't explain it I don't know what does. Maybe I should feel honored that someone would go to the trouble of making an account just to insult me
I think I might have reported him, but I don't really know how reporting goes so maybe just saying he was a troll won't work, considering MGovia has lasted in here so long, so yeah, it might help if you could report him, since he has actually somewhat harassed me, in one of his comments he called me a word I'd rather not use.
· 11 years ago
I'm scared to try tho... FS said one of the main um 'spams' they received were from me reporting myself (my friend reporting me on my account) and I'm not sure if they would allow me to report the dude, but I'll try it
Okay he's really going at me now, if you don't mind I could really use some back up here, I feel like we have to at least keep him going for a while so that there's proof that he's a dick, that and I'm not sure how much more I can take of this before I crack.
· 11 years ago
Don't worry I'm following the comments right now, I'll back you up
Thanks, and tell your sister I say thanks too, and hope to see more of her on here as she seems like a nice enough person.
Oh they're not done yet either... *sigh* looks like it's going to be a long night...
I can't speak for everyone but I know most of the funsub community got your back and if someone went through all that trouble to mess with you, it seems like you have a fan haha
Because you comment nothing/nonsense/unoriginal crap on posts that are months old, setting off notifications and bumping up posts into rotation on the random cycle that are incredibly old for no reason. Staph. It.
All thanks to people who treat this site as fb or a chat room. You know who you are
· 11 years ago
If you're talking about what happened above with the Crash thing, I was actually trying to help a friend who was having trouble with certain users on this site. Sooo yeah
I wasn't referring to the crash thing. I meant people, who on a daily basis, come on posts here to chat in the comments. And make it so annoying to receive a notification not about the post but about something totally not relevant and in their own worlds.
I actually enjoy seeing people chat on here. Its what makes this better than the other funny picture sites. You don't like this one go to another. You have options instead of bitching and moaning about this one.
Actually there's a lot said against me on this one, some of it I walked into, but the one that's really getting to me is the one that was unprovoked. It was some time after I replied about that guy with the offensive user name getting banned, so the original comment is hidden! you may have to look for it since there's a lot hidden on this one
Oh they're not done yet either... *sigh* looks like it's going to be a long night...