-Everything gets better eventually
-There's always someone out there that loves you. (*Hint, hint* ME!)
-Those once-in-a-lifetime moments you hold onto forever because you may never witness them again.
-That feeling you get when you witness a random act of kindness.
-People's minds will change.
-Being the shoulder to cry on.
-Finding someone who just can't get enough of you... ♥
-Long hugs.
-Warm cups of coffee in the morning.
-Pulling all-nighters.
-Getting the giggles.
-Seeing karma take its place.
-Getting compliments.
-Meeting new people.
-Looking back and realizing how much stronger you've become... :)
I did make it :) I saw a post with the same title a loonnng time ago, so I saved it to my pictures so I would remember to make my own, and I finally did it. :)
6,8,9 those I barley realize. My girl best friend. She helped me through and I've helped her through her heartbreaks. And I barley realize..
· 11 years ago
I really appreciate this list, I think it's great that you would write it out and post it on a site with semi-anonymous people to read it. You're very cool. However, I do want to know if you have any advice for someone who has plenty of reasons to live, but finds life tiring, dragging, and just plain world-weary. Do you have any insight?
Thanks :) I kinda feel the same way. Everything just gets kinda hard to bare. Maybe a hobby? You could invest your free time into something you enjoy and it could keep your mind off of everything. Sorry if that sounds dumb, but I'm trying to find the answer myself. I broke down crying just yesterday saying "I can't handle all of this. Everything is so hard. I'm so sick of everything." If you need anything, I'm always here. And I also have Tumblr.
So you should kill yourself because you're single?!?! You shouldn't have to rely on other people to make you happy. One day you'll meet that special person, but until then, try focusing on making yourself happy.
Edited 11 years ago
· 10 years ago
Plus, who is gonna watch all your favorite episode of your favorite show with your favorite friend? You'd be dead.
-There's always someone out there that loves you. (*Hint, hint* ME!)
-Those once-in-a-lifetime moments you hold onto forever because you may never witness them again.
-That feeling you get when you witness a random act of kindness.
-People's minds will change.
-Being the shoulder to cry on.
-Finding someone who just can't get enough of you... ♥
-Long hugs.
-Warm cups of coffee in the morning.
-Pulling all-nighters.
-Getting the giggles.
-Seeing karma take its place.
-Getting compliments.
-Meeting new people.
-Looking back and realizing how much stronger you've become... :)