Everybody is a little racist, not Hitler racist, but a tad. You might not think about it, but suddenly you will find yourself in a scary situation and find out. I'm a little racist, and I've had my scary experience where I realised. And becouse of that, and the media telling me the race of the people raping people in my contry, I will always be a little racist. I'm sorry, and I don't want to be, but it's hard not to.
But if you're able to state "the media is telling me..." you know what is happening. I understand what you're saying but you can't submit to subconscious racism. I'm assuming, because it's the common stereotype, that it is black men that you are talking about. What if you were to almost meet the kindest, most intelligent black man somewhere, but you walked the other direction because of what the media tells you.
Don't let a bunch of people crunching numbers tell you how every individual person in a race acts.
Oh, no, it's not just "black men", it's black men from a spesific contry. So it's kinda hard to be racist actually, becouse you don't know were they're from. And for me, it's not like I'm racist all the time. But if I'm walking down the street after dark, and a black man walks behind me for more than 30 meters, I'm racist. And I get the fuck out of there.
Please do not try to justify an act that has hurt and continues to hurt people around the world by "it depends on the situation". Why don't you try being aware and skeptical of people of ALL races because it depends on the INDIVIDUAL not their race as to whether they will "rape the people in your country"
This really annoys me because people blindly stay stuff like "racism is getting better" and other stuff like that, it obviously isn't.
Then I would ask, what is the race of the victims of racism by racist whites portrayed in the anti racist media?
· 11 years ago
If it's ANTI-racist media, then most of the time the racist isn't portrayed as just one race ("racist whites", as you say, would therefore be an incorrect assumption).
Where did you get that I assumed anything? I only asked a question. That was the purpose of stating "Then I would ask", and then typing a QUESTION MARK after finishing typing the question. This isn't rocket surgery.
· 11 years ago
There's no need to be rude; I was merely replying in a way that took both your original comment and my reply into account - the "assumed" then relating to how the quote assumed also. "This isn't rocket surgery" - really? That's uncalled for. I was obviously trying to answer your question but you just don't want to hear the answer, that much is clear (and you don't perform surgery on a rocket).
Ok. In the interest of being objective I shall apologize for the sarcasm. Alas the answer to my question would be simple. A single word. No need to beat around the bush, so I ask again; What is the race of the victims of racism by racist whites portrayed in anti racist media? I don't just assume I have all the answers, because if I had all the answers then I would not need to ask questions. What is the race? I get what the post implies, but I am a skeptic and the post "Because its true" doesn't suggest ultimate wisdom for me. (Oh and I perform surgery on rockets if I fuckin feel like it).
It's funny how the ones who say its less racist are normally the ones who are the biggest biggots. Y'all are the ones who will scream that's racist or I'm offended at any little thing when someone who says the truth or their opinion. Just because it don't match what you are thinking or feelin. So I'm calling for all the ones who get offended or feel that the others opinion is wrong to STFU!!! And let people have the freedom to express their opinions as long as they don't physically do it. Y'all are doing it and think its ok. So let the other living have their chance.
Idgaf what your calling.!!! The fact of the matter is America is very racist. And whats even worse is that its hidden behind all these laws, rules and regulations. The users on this website live in a bubble. You guys think life is all great the majority of the time, you guys would kill yaselves if you had to be black for a prolonged period.
What no other country in the world is racist??? American just gives people the freedom to express what they feel without being punished for it( unless it gets physical). So tell me how "te users on this website are living in a bubble" when all I'm seein is that you and another handful are the only ones who have problems with anybody having a different opinion than yours. I see stuff on here I don't agree but I don't go and commit on it sayin its wrong or I'm offended by it. I just keep scrolling and live my life while others get to live theirs.
I would like to say, guest, that it's very hypocritical if you have a problem with someone speaking about someone they have a problem with. And secondly, there is something wrong with the internet and the new use of "it's just my opinion" yes I understand it's a person's opinion, but a lot of people need to be reminded of "if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all"
True to that. But like everybody else. I can only hold it in until I gotta release. There are people on here that's all they do is look for something to complain on and attack it. And when or if the person who posted it or says their opinion on it they are attacked by the offendedtrollers. I did go back and read my lasts post and Yes you are correct on I should just keep going. But when I see people gang attackin someone I just like to show the attacked that its ok to say what ya need to say. Oh and the about the attackers. They either get the facts wrong or twist it to what they want it to be and will not hear anythin else. No matter if its the truth or a diff opinion on it
I don't sit around and look for things to attack. I enjoy the pictures and everything else....but when one of you puts up a picture regarding race....DAMN RIGHT I will say something about it. And feel free to voice your opinion but if I don't agree I will also voice mine.
I'm getting the vaguest inkling that you might be black shaharac. . . . Plus I thought it was really funny when you said a person would kill themselves if they had to be black for a prolonged period of time. By that logic I'm pretty sure black people wouldn't exist because they would have all killed themselves. There must be something good about being black I would have thought.
How'd you know ?? What gave it away ?? But the point I was trying to make it that some of you guys act like you were born with a gold spoon in your mouth . that affluenza crap. We are used to be overlooked and mistreated. You guys clearly aren't.
But isnt racism just negative views on stereotypes? Like black people are criminals or Jewish people are cheap...those are also stereotypes but considered racism.
No, they're stereotypes. Saying a Jewish person is probably a criminal is a stereotype; saying someone is a criminal because they're Jewish would be racist x
No, stereotypes and racism are different because stereotypes don't have to be about race. "Blondes are dumb" "Americans are fat" For it to be a stereotype it has to be a common belief that one group, not race, of people act a certain way.
For it to be racism, it has to be a belief that a certain race is better then other races. So technically, "black people are criminals" is a stereotype because it's a belief that black people act a certain way.
I think that the more you talk about racism the more you're racist .I mean where I live racism is quite rare and we almost never heard something about it in school or media and I am talking about the anti-racism speechs and stuff.
· 11 years ago
I don't think talking about it MAKES you racist (just like talking about the issue of murder doesn't make you a killer as it's just discussion). However, I agree that if we stopped talking about it then it would eventually stop being an issue - like Morgan Freeman said when asked how we can end racism: "Stop talking about it".
I just mean the more you're talking about it the more you trying not to be racist , so basically you are trying to change you're behaviour and acts different with different races. And that's in some kinda way racist .
I honestly don't think that's true. Yes it might end people talking about racism or people saying rude remarks to others, but there will always be racists in the world. And when all races have blended together, they'll just find something else to argue about.
The ignorance of this post and of the people commenting on this is unbelievable. And to those of you who are saying if we stop talking about it, it will go away need to shut up. Not talking about it means you're just ignoring it and then things will never change. Racism is not just words and slurs, it's systematic and institutional oppression and discrimination. There are no systems that work against white people. None. Many of you clearly do not know what racism is. Racism is not just stereotypes. It's also so funny how in any situation dealing with people of color and the problems they face white people will STILL find a way to make it about them. Meanwhile, the rest of us are dealing with REAL racial issue. Girl, bye.
I get told I can't be smart because I'm white. I get told I can't play basketball because I'm white. I work hard for a job and am told I only got it because I'm white. I have a harder time getting into some schools because the more 'diversity' a school has the better it looks. Racism exists against ANY race, just as either gender can stereotype.
Don't let a bunch of people crunching numbers tell you how every individual person in a race acts.
This really annoys me because people blindly stay stuff like "racism is getting better" and other stuff like that, it obviously isn't.
For it to be racism, it has to be a belief that a certain race is better then other races. So technically, "black people are criminals" is a stereotype because it's a belief that black people act a certain way.