Nah, it's cool. It still proves a point. I think the artist of the comic was just trying to emphasize the double standard, but it comes off as a little racist. But the point is still valid- as much as it is good to encourage racial pride, you shouldn't expect any different from any other race. It is understandable for a young girl to identify beauty norms with what they are used to- their own race- and equality should be for all.
· 11 years ago
What pisses me off is when you call a black person black or dark, or an asian person asian, and everyone thinks you're racist 0_0
You know I think funsubstance has become an outlet for individuals to speak their true ill feelings towards different races. I visit Funsubstance daily to laugh, be informed, get confused and cry at posts but lately I find myself turning my nose up at many postings. I won't say I'm offended easily but disturbed yes. In any case, it's your prerogative to post or comment as you like just as it is mine.
· 11 years ago
I have absolutely no idea. According to most teenage girls, though, it is. *sigh.* and people wonder why teenage girls are so dumb...
Really? I haven't personally seen much racism on here, but I don't see every post. I know there are probably a few racist individuals on the site, but I wouldn't say a majority are.
I can't tell if someone is racist just by a few posts therefore Im not saying that. I'm just stating there are often offensive posts that I'm sure are only posted here and not on FB or IG because the individual is anonymous to a certain degree.
Just want to interject one opinion if that's alright, if not ignore this comment. I don't see how the picture is racist, it looks to me like the artist is just trying to make it obvious that the black doll is black, and the white doll is white... Could somebody point something out that I may be missing?
mcdonaldo, I have always held the opinion that calling someone "black" or "asian" is not racist at all (unless they AREN'T). It's just being descriptive. If you call someone a racial slur, or something like "you stupid black," then it's not the descriptor that offends them; it's calling them "stupid" that's offensive.
Personally, I think this comic is racist because of the rather hideous way the black child is depicted (note the mouth and teeth, or lack thereof, compared to those of the white child). And don't get me started on the psychologist's nose.
Don't forget the little black girl's lips. Her eyes kind of skew in different directions two. You might think the comic has a point but the author is an obvious racist.
Whoooaaa, there guest. You're pretty sure if I wasn't stupid myself? Throwing around some pretty harsh judgement aren't you? I just asked a simple question. This post is about racism and I don't know how teenage girls come into play in the talk about racism. I think teenagers, especially this generation is pretty tolerant of everybody. So instead of calling me stupid why wouldn't you just explain who teenagers play into this talk, hmm?
· 11 years ago
... I didn't say teenage girls are stupid. I said some think we are based on a few dumb individuals, who give us a bad name.
Huh, must've misread that then, hmm?
"I have absolutely no idea. According to most teenage girls, though, it is. *sigh.* and people wonder why teenage girls are so dumb..."
· 11 years ago
Well, most girls I know- not my friends, but the general population of my high school- all girls- say i'm racist if i say my asian friend is asian.
Sure, alright, I get your point. But I don't think this is common among teenage girls. I went to two different high schools because my family moved to another state and I didn't encounter this problem. My only concern with your comment is that you stated all teenage girls are dumb which honestly bothers me. I know incredibly intelligent teenage girls and the fact that you're putting them under this stereotype doesn't really help the image of teenage girls at all. In fact, it kind of suggests that all teenage girls should be dumb, which sucks cause we need these smart girls in more math & science related areas. I know I went on an entire tangent about this but it really bothered me. Sorry, end of my point.
And it's not just teenage girls who have a bad rep, but all teenagers. It's like society thinks that if a person is young, their opinion is worth less. But, I have nothing against you mcdonaldo, just the way teenagers are often pegged.
Just my two cents, when I was little I always picked the dolls that I thought looked like my mom or my older sister because in my eyes they were the most beautiful women ever.
No truth to this as there's usually a 99.99% percent a black child will end up with a white doll because toy manufacturers only produce a handful (literally) of black dolls
In studies on race and toy choice in children, black children prefer to play with white dolls because they think they are "prettier". Sad, maybe. True, yes.
This is coming from an Asian.
Personally, I think this comic is racist because of the rather hideous way the black child is depicted (note the mouth and teeth, or lack thereof, compared to those of the white child). And don't get me started on the psychologist's nose.
"I have absolutely no idea. According to most teenage girls, though, it is. *sigh.* and people wonder why teenage girls are so dumb..."