There's really no such thing as 'thin privilege'
11 years ago by deleted · 1970 Likes · 25 comments · Popular
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· 11 years ago
Some people are just naturally thin and uncurvy(?), and that's nothing to be ashamed of. People just go a little crazy with the curves thing because so many girls feel pressured by society and develope eating disorders because of that pressure. Whether you're curvy or not, strut your stuff, because you ARE gorgeous. :)
· 11 years ago
Not everyone is gorgeous. That would devalue what it means to be gorgeous. Just like lightness is meaningless without darkness, and happiness meaningless without sadness. Ugliness makes gorgeousness valuable.
· 11 years ago
Is gorgeousness defined by only looks? Can someone not be gorgeous for who they are, or their smile, or their laugh, or the way they can brighten people days? There is always something that will make each and every one of us gorgeous, it's just about if you're willing to look.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
I agree with Kitteh, but I do think that certain things need to be handled better. Telling someone who is anorexic that they're beautiful, they will probably think you mean their body, and that means as soon as they eat something and gain weight (which happens because their body adjusts to having no calories and when they have more than that they gain weight because of it), then they will starve themselves again. Telling this to people who are unhealthily overweight isn't going to get them to fix their health problems, even if they feel good about themselves. :/ I don't actually know how to best handle that, but I think that the guest is right in some things, yes everyone has something that is good about them, but hearing it from someone saying "everyone is gorgeous" who doesn't even know you or say anything specific frankly doesn't help raise anyone's spirits...
· 11 years ago
Everyone is beautiful. And yes, that means you too
· 11 years ago
Oh, thank you :-) you're beautiful too!
· 11 years ago
thanks guys :) after getting through bulimia, I was still thin, not because of that, but naturally. People still give me that sort of thing though :(
· 11 years ago
similar thing happened with me. i was naturally thin and everyone said i was too skinny. i gained some weight and my family started teasing me, calling me fat and thunder thighs. i struggled with anorexia and bulimia and it went back to "you're too thin!" i'm better now, but i still get comments about how i look like a little girl or a boy, that i need to get some curves.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
I used to be really thin. Like between 90-95 lbs and wearing a 00 in jeans. I was so stressed all the time that I rarely ate so I stayed small. Then I moved in with my fiancé and started eating regularly. Now I'm "average" size for my height (between 120-140 lbs) and my fiancé calls me curvy now. But honestly I miss being small.
· 11 years ago
Story of my life :'( I had to drop out of school in grade 8 becouse people would bully the crap out of me for being so skinny and just saying I didn't eat because I wanted to be like the popular girls, or that I was anorexic. I just can't gain a pound if I try.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Ever since I can remember I've always wanted to look like the girl on the right, and I can't shake that.
· 11 years ago
I think every body type is beautiful, as long as the person is healthy. I don't think morbidly overweight bodies or dangerously underweight bodies are beautiful, because they're not taking care of themselves. I realise that it's not always the persons fault, but people will be there for them and they shouldn't resort to binge eating or not eating at all.
· 11 years ago
Everyone thinks it's okay to make fun of my weight because I'm very obviously not fat. "If you turn to one side and stick your tongue out, you look like a zipper." "If you close one eye you look like a pin." Even people jokingly saying "Oh, don't feed her anymore, she's too fat." And I mean, whatever, I'll be fine, but there are people who really do believe what's said of them. Even though I'm unhealthily underweight, I still notice that my belly has a bit of a bulge. Whatever I think when I look at it is that it looks like I'm pregnant. I still don't let that get to me, because I love food, but some people in my position would stop eating. I admit that even I don't eat enough, because even though people joke, I /like/ being thin. I like it when people say things like "How can you eat so much and stay so thin?" well, the answer is that I only eat one or two meals a day. In the summer, not even that much. And it's gotten to the point where I don't get hungry anymore. It wouldn't be hard
· 11 years ago
for me to not eat for one or two days in a row. I've done it before because I can't be bothered to make myself something. Only after that long does my stomach start to growl... It doesn't seem like it would be terribly hard at all to just give up food most of the time, to eat so little that I could theoretically die from starving, even though I do eat every so often to make sure no one suspects anything. So yes, sometimes I do get positive comments about being this thin. But more often than not, I get teased. Even when I try to eat as much as I can as often as I can, I don't gain weight. And what exactly is privileged about being skinny when it's something you can't control, when people make fun of you, when most other people ignore you, and when everyone is too worried about people being hurt about being called fat to think that not everyone would /want/ to be super thin? About having health issues because you're trying so hard, but no one notices you still?
· 11 years ago
Don't worry girl. Calorie restriction is a scientifically verified tactic for prolonging the lifespan of most mammals. Rats and mice that were restricted from eating lived 100% longer. In humans, the effect is less pronounced but it has many beneficial effects. Some people do the whole 500 calorie per day thing to achieve this; and while I think that is taking it too far, but they are happy, and arguably quite healthy because of it. The other option is intermittent fasting, which is what you kinda describe yourself as doing, where you eat very little for a couple of days before going back to normal. There is very little risk of you actually starving to death, unless you weren't properly absorbing the food you do eat. However be careful because the state of not being bothered to make yourself food is a possible symptom of depression (although it must accompany actual depressed mood in order for it to be classed as depression).
· 11 years ago
I am depressed, I've been diagnosed, and while I'm sure eating and eating isn't healthy, the way I eat and act isn't either. I eat so little that I frequently get dizzy spells and temporarily lose my balance and my sight. There may be some ways that this is healthy, but what I'm doing is not one of them.
· 11 years ago
Honestly, I really wish I was one of those people who can't gain any weight.
· 11 years ago
I feel like you should be more focused on being healthy than how much you weigh :/ be a strong and healthy person over being curvy or thin.
· 11 years ago
I've been 98 pounds my whole life (in 5"2) but i get that slot too. Ohh your to skinny and you have no assets, you look like a boy, your all bony not soft. And honestly it hurts just as much. Being made fun of for being skinny is just as bad as being made fun of for having curves. I can't even have n insecure body day with out people jumping down my throat.
· 11 years ago
Hey im not a guest, where my name?
· 10 years ago
Unlike race, FAT OR THIN IS A CHOICE.and its not a choice to fit a standard of beauty its a choice to be HEALTHY. There are people in wheelchairs who maintain healthy weight because they know it's a choice. Curvy and slim are natural but overweight is not. And dont try to use excuses and say im the one with the problem.
· 10 years ago
I really don't understand what you're trying to get at here and why you felt the need to comment on a post that's a year old...
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
yes I know I'm a little late but comments don't expire. and the point is so many people nowadays are saying "it's okay to be fat" and "You're perfect" and really they're not.
· 10 years ago
The main problem is that people don't know what is and isn't healthy. There are some people who think that anyone who doesn't look like a victoria secret model is fat. :) we absolutely need to encourage health, but we also need to encourage people knowing what healthy is.