People call my chemical romance emo at least one of my friends. I'm sure other people do to. I don't think they realize that they support gay rights and are actually really caring people. They stared the band to make a change for kids to teach them that its okay to be themselves
MCR was an amazing band. I wish I had found their music sooner, as I found them about a year before the brake-up. They touched so many life's, including my own.
I didn't know that about One Direction.. Okay. They go on my list right next to Justin Beiber. Assholes. I mean, their music was already awful, but now... Sigh.. What's wrong with people?
· 11 years ago
I'm not supporting what they did but their mangement (modest) decided not to let them perform for her because they where not getting payed ( all my friends talk about :|)
The 1D boys themselves didn't make the decision to not let the girl into the backstage. She did come to a concert but didn't get to meet the boys herself (I'm pretty sure). And 1D's song Diana was named for a fan who killed herself (much like Blink 182's song inspiration). Who knows if One Direction are actually nice or jerks, but from what I've seen in their movie (friends made me watch it) they seem to be charismatic, nice enough people.
Guest, that's nice and all, but that has been said on this post MULTIPLE TIMES. Please be a dear and skin through the other comments next time to be sure what you're saying hasn't been said before, kay?
Wow. I didn't know about the one direction thing. I've never liked them because their carrier was formed from one song that was actually decent and the rest of theirs have some rather interesting messages in them for a band that appeals to 13 year olds.... But now they officially make my douchebag list.
The Green Day one made me smile
Yah, I know. It's their only song that has half decent lyrics if you really listen to the lyrics of their other songs (keeping in mind the age they appeal to) and lets face it, if it wasn't for that one song they wouldn't have gotten famous and nobody would give a damn about them
EDIT: I fixed the mistakes I could find... I really hate spell check sometimes
I'm sorry, but do you realize that this is freaking made up because this person probably thinks that One Direction is "gay" because of their songs or looks and just wanted more people to think that.
· 11 years ago
I'm sorry but I have to point out the comment about One Direction is wholly untrue:
In fact, they disrupted their tour in order to go and visit her.
Don't get me wrong, people are free to dislike artists if they please - like I do Justin Bieber - but not through being unknowingly misinformed.
That's for a different girl. In the article, it says it was arranged through the charity Rays of Sunshine. On the picture above, the little girl wanted to use her wish from the Make a Wish Foundation.
· 11 years ago
Well, I can't find any reference to the post's comment online - and the article I found did mention the girl was from London, matching what the post said about the patient being in Britain. And, given the similarity between the Rays of Sunshine charity and Make-a-Wish, it would be not too far a leap for the post to have been changed to make it easier for people to immediately 'get'. To me, this seems much more likely to have been the story.
Even if I wasn't the same girl, it would be their managers decision, then compare that to douchebag justin who spits on people, graphitis hotels and has to bail himself out of prison, one direction really aren't bad guys.
Hate that pussy ass bitch Justin Bieber... He should die in a fucking hole with sharks, alligators, and clones of Dr. Hannibal Lector just so no trace of him would ever be left on this earth except for shit which he is!
Hey hey hey I worship all those bands, I'm not even sure the one about one direction is true. Even if it was, they have done so much good for charity but the media only pick up the bad things. For example, harry spent 3k on pizza for the homeless, but the media never even bothered to take a second glance. Zayn donated 300k and yeah. Hate me for liking them, but they too have saved lives, including mine. I know most of you hate them, and that's fine, but please don't think everything they do is written about or noticed. It gets kinda hurtful when you see hate about them everyday, especially when they as people have done so much for you. Can't say anything about the biebs tho, he's an asshole who belongs in the pit of doom no offence beliebers sorry
This makes me want to be famous and influential so I could do meaningful things like these people. But I'm not. Guess I'll just be nice to the people who need it most. That's as good a place as any to start.
One direction is not a bad band, they are all very down to earth people and would never refuse something like that. However their management company (Modest!) would refuse that. The boys are not rude, it's simply the management. Learn your facts before you hate.
I looked it up since it interested me, but I couldn't find any proof of the Green Day one. It might just be my inability to find it. I've always respected Green Day and their music, so don't get me wrong. If anyone can find an article about it, could you comment it? Thanks. :)
i am not a directioner, but my friends are. here is the thing. their managment is very controlling over one direction. I saw someone say that they could still preform for her, they really couldnt. They are actually very nice people who have reached out to depressed fans and raised many money for charity etc/\.
Another post to make 1d look bad. Whoever made this is looking bad on one hand themselves. I'm not the biggest 1d fan, and I can say I'm a bit disappointed after seeing the 1d part begin. I thought this post would mention something they've done after reading the first few words, and I'm quite annoyed. They've done so much for kids around the world, you assume just because teenaged girls like them, and because they fall into the category of mainstream pop, they're suddenly looked as "gay" or "untalented". Give these guys a break. They're really cool guys, and very humble. Bieber on the other hand... eek.
I'm not a One Direction fan, I don't even know their names, but I enjoy their music. They have good, and almost always, clean lyrics, they have fun music videoes AND they do A LOT of good stuff for people.
I love post's that tell us about some awsome things bands/artists have done, but I think it's sad that one always has to bring someone down too.
As far as that's said, JB is a prick, and it's time for him to quit. Start behaving like a normal human beeing and respecting others.
Why not tell everyone about when a girl wrote to Harry from one direction and told him that her sister LOVED him and she was dying of cancer. And he calls her and then he videochat with the girl. Or when zayn gave thousands of dollars to different organisations. Or when Harry bought pizza for thousands of dollars and then drove around in England and gave it to the homeless. And everytime they meet their fans, they take time to talk to them and give them a hug eventhough they're not allowed. One time Harry surprised a girl on her birthday and sat with her and her family. Zayn bought his mom a fucking house. They wrote their new song Diana to the fans. So dont sit here and say that they are selfish and assholes. Just fucking dont
forget about how one direction made a music video where all the proceeds went to kids in Ghana who needed vaccinations. As well as the many visits to hospitals around the world and the multiple charities they donated to. Whoever wrote this is an idiot, seriously. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you have to make them seem like bad people.
You've got to be fucking kidding me. One Direction sang and co-wrote a song called "Diana" dedicated to fans who self harm, starve themselves and feel insecure, "What makes You beautiful" had the same purpose, they sang "Little Things" for the insecure girls too. They raised more than 1 million dollars for several charities, they covered "One Way or another/Teenage Kicks" for Comic Relief and tried to raise money. They have visited sick children before and made videos for them. They would never do something so rude. You don't want people insulting your bands? Then why the fuck are you insulting other peoples bands? You want people to stop judging you for liking your bands? Then don't do it to others. You are all such hypocrites. Get your facts straight before you post anything like this, and stop believing everything you read.
Okay guys.... Mostly guests who have been repeatedly defending One Direction... It has been clarified that that was wrong. We don't need another comment saying how big of dicks we are for believing this for a while. We were wrong. No need to continue to say that with gradually getting ruder comments. Just remember. Hating on haters makes you a hater. And One Direction has been defended on her multiple times. No need for another comment defending them. We have it cleared up.
I never really saw what was so wrong with 1D, I don't like them, not my type of music, but I respected them for what they do. I just hate their insane fan girls that make people hate that band.
Yes, attempts to defend Justin Beiber will result in banishment to the pit of doom. How ever we have been bested by the one direction fans. And I am tired of them saying that we suck for temporarily believing this even though WE ALREADY KNOW. And their comments about it are getting really rude towards us... And all made by guests, would yah look at that...
I must say, it is really the annoying fans that I don't like about One Direction when it really comes down to it. They'd all die for them it seems.
I find it wrong that this person just thinks that these people are bad because of one thing. You wanna know the truth? This random person probably just hates them because they're "gay" and looked through a bunch of news just to find one little thing, or they made it up.
Do you honestly think that Green Day or Nirvana didn't do anything bad? I find it wrong that you just automatically assume that they're bad. THEY. ARE. STILL. PEOPLE. And bullying them is still wrong, they have enough people hating on them and you people just add on to it.
People think that bullying is bad, but probably right after they make a huge statement about how it hurts those people, they go onto a social network, click on a famous person's profile and just start commenting how they don't deserve to live, they don't have any talent, or that they should kill themselves. Don't you think they've thought of that? People are so hypocritical these days and even if they're famous, they still have feelings.
Justin bieber actually does a lot of charity work. You can hate him if you want but the poster purposely put no research into any of bieber's charity work and that is just wrong. He's worked with pencils for promise to raise money in order to build schools in places where they can't, and helped many other charities. He played for a school in a disadvantaged neighborhood where many students would not be able to afford his tickets, look up what he does and don't believe a single post on funsubstance
Look, Justin may have in the past done some good things, but now he's behaving like a dick-wad. Don't believe us? Fine, continue to be an ignorant belieber. But we don't want to hear it
True. I understand that justin has done amazing things, in the past, but you look at him now and it's quite embarrassing and annoying. He's an ass that let the attention get to him.
The Green Day one made me smile
EDIT: I fixed the mistakes I could find... I really hate spell check sometimes
In fact, they disrupted their tour in order to go and visit her.
Don't get me wrong, people are free to dislike artists if they please - like I do Justin Bieber - but not through being unknowingly misinformed.
I love post's that tell us about some awsome things bands/artists have done, but I think it's sad that one always has to bring someone down too.
As far as that's said, JB is a prick, and it's time for him to quit. Start behaving like a normal human beeing and respecting others.
I must say, it is really the annoying fans that I don't like about One Direction when it really comes down to it. They'd all die for them it seems.
Do you honestly think that Green Day or Nirvana didn't do anything bad? I find it wrong that you just automatically assume that they're bad. THEY. ARE. STILL. PEOPLE. And bullying them is still wrong, they have enough people hating on them and you people just add on to it.
People think that bullying is bad, but probably right after they make a huge statement about how it hurts those people, they go onto a social network, click on a famous person's profile and just start commenting how they don't deserve to live, they don't have any talent, or that they should kill themselves. Don't you think they've thought of that? People are so hypocritical these days and even if they're famous, they still have feelings.