In the most brief, non-detailed way to explain possible, yes. This is the general idea. As for what it feels like... That's complicated. A pain that's very difficult to describe. But please. Feel free to ask any questions. I'll give you the best answer I can.
Can i ask you a question? Im happy that your honest and open about being transexual, its really good to see. I was just wondering what is your sexual preferences like being a transexual. So if you're a female but would like to be male, does that mean you are attracted to guys because you're physically a girl, or will you be attracted to girls because you would like to be a guy, or would you be gay or lesbian, and visa-versa :) (hope this made some sense. And hopefully not offensive)
Sexual orientation has nothing to do with your gender identity. A transman can like anyone. A transwoman can like anyone. I personally like guys. Another transguy I know likes only girls. It's okay. It's not offensive. I don't mind questions at all. : )
Okay yeah he is being an ignorant asshole, but don't start stereotyping him. I'm from Missouri, born and raised, so I have a little redneck in me. We aren't all like that. Don't fight bigotry with insulting stereotypes please. Thank you.
No. Read the Bible again. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for contempt for their fellow man and violence. Remember the Middle Ages when everyone went off of what the preists said rather than reading the Bible for themselves? This here is an example of this happening still.
Brocookie, i was a ignorant fuck once, but i changed my ways. I feel where you are right now but i honestly disagree with how you voice it. When it comes to peoples life thats like saying wow you are brown, leave god hates you. I mean come on. Just you know think of others bro. -Asdf
What?! You have a lot of problems right? Nobody here is saying that he's christians god or nobody's talking about religion! We're talking about humanity! And obviously you don't know what it is!
Not u need to read the bible. Where do you think the word sodimite comes from? Yeah that's right sodom and Gomorrah. As well they were trying to do u know what to the angels who looked like men. An that sin was running rampant in that town. You can try to justify your sin to me all day long but on judgement day when The Lord comes back you will not be able to justify it with him. Songofthewhitestag u need a savior
Dude. Sodomite is a misnomer. Like anteater? They don't eat ants, but everyone thinks the do? I have a savior, sir. Jesus Christ, same as yours. You need to reread the Bible. And place things in context. And being an asshole about it doesn't make you look like a good Christian, does it?
He doesn't need to justify anything to you, and you have no right to judge him. Your religion says only God may judge, he without sin may cast stones, and love thy neighbor. Clean yourself up for Christ before telling others to- it's embarrassing.
No I have friends in South Carolina and North Carolina. North Carolina no they accept it. South Carolina no one I know or my friends know accept this sin
I thought the way he presented it was terrible sodimite may not be mentioned very much like he said but it brings up homosexuality. The reason we call it sodimy was because you see God's first true judgement of the sin. The people were called sodimites and and homosexuality was the sin they were known for.
Where to begin... Okay. Let's start with Sodom, eh? There were so many things happening in that city. Theft. Murder. Rape. Needless violence. /If/ it was talking about homosexuality, (which it doesn't. That word there, "know", meant brutal rape and murder.) for Sodom to be destroyed for that specifically is just... for lack of a better phrase at the moment, stupid.
It was.. quite long. And... He did a lot pf paraphrasing.
· 11 years ago
Forgive as this may sound disrespectful. But at moments such as these I like being an atheist, because I don't give a single F about who people are or aren't as long as they are not interrupting with the lives of others in a negative way.
I deleted a comment to say this but I'm happy both of you are so proud and open about it. I really hope you both get all the happiness you deserve. keep being awesome. You have the support of pebble. And song I asked in your tumblr
I love this for some reason. Everyone is striving to be different, if only a little. People wear makeup, clothes, etc to change their appearance on the outside. As cliche as it is, it's who we are inside that's all that matters.
Thank you! Sometimes it's easier to talk to people outside the situation, isn't it? I wish I had been born a man so I didn't have to deal with things, but we're not always dealt the hand we want. I've seen lots of your comments and I admire you and wish I knew you off the internet!
If only I could be so brave off the internet. Haha. I'm working on it. I'm out at school, at least. Thank you, though. I wish I knew you guys off the internet, too. Life would sure be more interesting. : D
You are amazing for being true to who you are, Song. I dated a trans* man for three years, And watching him become who he always was is something incredible- like seeing someone take off a costume they have been stuck in their whole life.
I have a close friend who went M->F. She described it as a constant sense of unease while being a male, especially when she saw herself in mirrors. Does that sound about right?
It's great you're with someone so supportive of you then, many people would be really confused. And someone that understanding would definetly be a keeper in my opinion.
First i wanted to say that you are a really wonderful person song,i haven't seen such an awsome and honest person like you. And i hope i'm not rude,but why you insisted on the word "yet"?
Rock on! Your bravery (and that of others in same/similar situations) is awesome. People are not meant to be cookie-cutter creatures. However uncomfortable it may be to meet someone who is different, I try to remember we're all different, though perhaps not obviously so.
I just want to say that I really love how open you are about all this. I appreciate that you are staying true to who you really are and I think you are amazing! :) love you!
I'm sorry songofthewhitestag that you feel pain. I think you have a lot of allies here in the interweb, but I sure hope you have a lot of allies who are living and right there in person too. I really don't know what else to say but thanks for posting. I can be an ally, but I can see even from this pic I can't ever ever really know how you feel. Keep being awesome.
..Isn't the bible a guide to life? I thought it was more as a recommendation because back then you'd get diseases do to like the same gender but now we can prevent most diseases.
· 11 years ago
White stag - Stay amazing! I am an anonymous cisgendered female who enjoys giving support to the general LGBT (especially transgendered / transsexual part) community as there are plenty of fantastic individuals who needs support. (This goes for you regular folks as well.)
I'm a straight female who prides myself on being open minded to all ways of life. But you sir, Rednexrule, boil my blood. What happened to natural selection it seems to not be working anymore. Also, who gave you a computer.. they are to further our knowledge and understanding not stunt its growth. Shame on that human.
Stag, someone I care about a lot, who I see as closer family than most of my own blood, just came out to me saying that she is a he inside. I love him and respect his decsision, but I don't know how to act from here. I want to support him, but I don't know how. Any suggestions? I'm sorry to bug you about it, but you're honestly the only Transexual person I know...
Stag is a great person to ask- I also like this site as a resource. You are a great friend for wanting to help them:
It means a lot that you came to me, navybrats. I take this as meaning I'm doing at least something right. It really says a lot, too, that you're asking how best to support them. Not a lot of people do that. I applaud you. It's not the same for everyone, but the best ways are to address him as he feels on the inside. This means proper pronouns, name, etc. Treat him as you would any other guy. The very best thing you can do, however, is listen. You'd be surprised how hard it is just to find someone willing to do that. Stand up to transphobia whenever you can. Even the most seemingly harmless transphobia can push the ideas that get people hurt or killed. Above all, no one can tell you how to support them better than the person in question. I do hope this helps. The internet has a lot more resources and things I can fit into a comment, here. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
I guess all I can say is "I feel you."
When people say trans male, do they mean they are a man in a woman, or a woman in a man. Hope you understand and thanks