I don't think I'm fat, but I'm not 'skinny'. I don't care about it, but the thing I hate is that people are like "no you're soooo skinny!!! You're skinnier than me!!" etc. People forget that being skinny is as bad as being fat - which isn't even a problem until you become super skinny or anorexic, or really overweight or obese.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Amen, honey. I don't like it when people tell me to eat more because I'm apparently so skinny. Pardon me, I'm 5'2" and 120 pounds, I think I'm happily average.
I worry about certain parts of my body..... my stomach for example.. i feel like it's too flabby.... i'm 5'5 and 115 pounds....
My boyfriend tells me that if anything.... he thinks i should gain weight.... and he loves that' I'm not just bones.... I feel lucky....
My boyfriend tells me that if anything.... he thinks i should gain weight.... and he loves that' I'm not just bones.... I feel lucky....