Professional comic relief, dog petter, and disappointment.
16 years old, female, and eternally stuck in the corn field hell that is Ohio.
*cringes* 31 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes, I agree
What are you all dressing up as for Halloween? 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Once I found an offbrand Robin Hood Halloween costume that looked kind of ghetto and was called "Robin' Da Hood"
Whenever a famous funsub user comments on my post I fangirl a little 252 comments
· 8 years ago
You got our genders swapped, I'm not offended, just want you to know. Plus, I'm actually upvoting every single comment on this thread.
Barney Stinson's trunk 2 comments
Pretty much everyone has those days 5 comments
· 8 years ago
My hair is striaght, but it poofs up, curls at the end and is basically just an ass
This GIF helps you breathe correctly 7 comments