

Professional comic relief, dog petter, and disappointment.
16 years old, female, and eternally stuck in the corn field hell that is Ohio.

— fruit_salad Report User
i can't believe how active i used to be on here. a lot has changed. 17 comments
fruit_salad · 5 years ago
I'm getting older!!
i can't believe how active i used to be on here. a lot has changed. 17 comments
fruit_salad · 5 years ago
It was from my prom :)
Interviewer: "Any special skills?" Me: 6 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Hey update I have a genetic disorder causing hyper mobility
As a quiet guy 5 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Sorry I commented that when I was emo. Not anymore.
What if 15 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Who let this crawl out of 2011
If I had a nickel for every time... 1 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
they freaking stole this from phineas and ferb smh
Ever wonder where pink dye comes from? 17 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
If it is I am really fucked cause I have some and touch it all the time
Why be afraid of the dead when you're already dead inside? 21 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Fuck yes. Cemeteries are just a field with tons of rocks. Like they’re always well landscaped and everything. Fuckin beautiful some of them.
Give that man a medal 15 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Ok? Who's that fucking bitter.
I am still waiting 11 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
This is fake I know, but lesbians don't get as much representation as they should and I think it'd be a cool idea. Not to reboot it though. I don't like reboots in general lol.
6 · Edited 6 years ago
Ohh the irony 10 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
this is near me :/ we get stupid-ass ads and billboards for it. the thing is this attraction is a sister attraction to the creation museum here, which believes that humans and dinosaurs co-exsisted.
That's a wild idea 5 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Ok mom
Fruit salad. Yummy yummy 3 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
I don't even know what fruit salad yummy yummy is from
That's right 7 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
I like boys. Given the choice though, money always wins.
Aw hell naw! Shut it down 16 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
And there are these handy dandy things called condoms
Based dad jr 27 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Lmao true. I'm done. I think I'm ovulating idk. I just want to hug that poor kid
Based dad jr 27 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Oh fuck off. Both of y'all look like muppets. Idk why you took my comment and made it an argument. Maybe one day you'll pull your heads out of your asses long enough to realize that the world doesn't revolve around American ideals.
2 · Edited 6 years ago
Aw hell naw! Shut it down 16 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Damn that's hypocritical. Idk why but everything is making me hella mad right now,
Based dad jr 27 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Fuck outta here. Nothing really works in society. Everything sounds ok on paper. The candy metaphor is dumb as hell because being a kind and considerate person doesn't have anything to do with socialism.
Based dad jr 27 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
That is a little kid who doesn't know why daddy just took away her candy. She's going to be raised to believe capitalism is the only way. If she wants to learn about capitalism instead of socialism, how about she switches places with a child laborer? Or maybe has to learn about the suffering America's (and other developed countries') consumerist society has created.
Based dad jr 27 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Well, clearly you haven't because none of your posts are fucking funny. Children need to be able to develop their own sense of self. And nah I don't care about grammar or sounding professional so don't come at me with that superior grammar nazi attitude.
Based dad jr 27 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
I'm not a communist! I just fucking hate the Trump family and their need to make everything political! That is a 3 year old! Did you understand different forms of government at 3?
Based dad jr 27 comments
fruit_salad · 6 years ago
Y'all. The thing I'm trying to get at is she is a CHILD. I don't support socialism, but did he explain what it meant to her? Did he only take candy away and tell her it was because of socialism? Teaching a child something is bad without giving reason is no way to raise them. Also, they begged the candy off of people anyway.