Do any of you have interesting scars? 89 comments
· 8 years ago
I pushed my sister when she was on a GeoDome Climber and she bit her tongue off.
Do any of you have interesting scars? 89 comments
· 8 years ago
I walked into my cousins house the other day (he's 8)he was playing video games and his sister was unloading the dishwasher and had a knife in her hand. She got side track and started watching him play and he apparently didn't want her to watch so he swatted at her. The knife went through his hand and he started screaming and running through the house and got blood everywhere because he thought he was going to bleed to death. It was very entertaining as I stood in the doorway and watched this go down.
Do any of you have interesting scars? 89 comments
· 8 years ago
1. I have one on my forehead by sword fighting my sister with poles when i was 8
2. We stayed at a house on the ocean in florida and it had a pool about 5 feet from the ocean. Someone through a ball into the ocean so i jumped in to get it. When I went to get out i didn't want to swim to the dock so i climbed a pole and I have scars on my legs from barnacles
Edited 8 years ago
2. We stayed at a house on the ocean in florida and it had a pool about 5 feet from the ocean. Someone through a ball into the ocean so i jumped in to get it. When I went to get out i didn't want to swim to the dock so i climbed a pole and I have scars on my legs from barnacles
Tape this inside your medicine cabinet for future use 18 comments
· 8 years ago
add a tablespoon of pure apple vinegar to a bottle of 16.9 fl oz water. It helps my acne a lot
Just a little something to think about 45 comments
Medication side effects 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Haven't you ever seen Grey's Anatomy? There was a girl that hated her spontaneous orgasms.
Snek car 3 comments
· 8 years ago
IIIIIImmmm aaaaa sSSsSSsSSneeeeekk. Immmm a SsSsSlitheryyyy little sSsSsSneaky SsSsSsnakkkee....
HITL-ER 32 comments
Killing people kills people, guys. 5 comments
I want to work where shane works 14 comments
When applying Rogaine, make sure you wear gloves 12 comments
The answers are priceless 6 comments
How to catch a chicken 9 comments
· 8 years ago
We wait until it is night time and they are on their perch. Then when you grab them you had them upside downs, on their backs. This way they can't move and get out of your hands.
Lucky b*stards 55 comments
· 8 years ago
I got the lucky genes and have had them since I was 10. I started while in school in the 5th grade. Probably the most awkward thing in the world!
I want to be friends with that grandma 26 comments
· 8 years ago
Has anyone realized how racist this is? "Even though you are different than me, you have to speak the same language as me." That is almost like you saying "just because I'm stupid, you have to be to" or raising a child and telling them "since I was beat when I was a child, you have to be too." How would you like to go to Spain and get told to shut the fuck up because you are speaking english instead of spanish. You are being Ignorant, selfish, and very rude and not many people enjoy putting up with people like you.
At least its organic 22 comments
· 8 years ago
@chilledtothebone This is probably the best thing I have seen all day. Thank you.
Edited 8 years ago