Im the great fox you all love! Besides the always enough people- I mean pizza to go around! So come to Freddy Fazbears Pizza!
— Mangle the Fox Report User
Deadliest foe in video games 8 comments
· 8 years ago
My cousin played it, but every time it loaded he would be talking, so he would keep dying
Guys.... What the hell did just read? 6 comments
DOGGY NO! D: 14 comments
Spirit animals 4 comments
Please notify me if I accidentally repost :) 12 comments
It's a photo of my cat 14 comments
Cat split in half 22 comments
· 8 years ago
We had a kitten like this. Her name was confetti and when we found her she had a twisted leg
Poor unicorn tiger :( 37 comments
When your friend says not to touch their stuff 9 comments
· 8 years ago
It's funny I'm actually the mist unpopular person
I kinda forgot about this account
I kinda forgot about this account
Original moon moon post for those who don't know what it is 136 comments
· 8 years ago
Btw this is my old account. I'm not sure why it put "blood moon" when I meant to write "blind moon" I still have these
Choosing Shampoos 6 comments
I hate those people 1 comments
Foxes are just misunderstood creatures 28 comments