

— florinfun Report User
Anon speaks about marriage 37 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
in a few years the term "relationship" will not mean what it means now. In the past family and marriage was sacred to both man and woman. Now since feminism took control and MGTOW are becoming more and more popular, there will be no reason to stay or form a relationship. Kids will be negotiated like business deals. Love will be treated like it's a fucking sickness, because it is. Wanna talk about loneliness and fulfillment? Try raising a kid these days with a wife that doesn't love you. After you divorce her and get really old, you think you're kid is gonna take care of you? Think smart, Current movements tend to make future trends. We all want somebody, but we all get the same shit. So you think you know better, well, get back to me and prove me that i'm wrong like saying "oh yeah, I'm gonna be different, Hyper gamy doesn't really exist, or she will love me for who I am, or she will never cheat on me if I do this for her" Do yourself a favor and educate yourself about female mindset.
She'll do anything 5 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
They should've stopped it with number 7 6 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
wtf, yes yes yes, I want to see moreee
I love my freind and want so much for her, far more than I think I can provide. 18 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
neediness, that is the most unattractive treat a man or woman can show in any kind of relationship. The solution, always think yourself as a catch, and if the other person or persons do not think of you as such, then let them go and find other people that see you as you want them to see you. Amin!
Because I'm just a beautiful ray of friggin' sunshine, part eight: Dark & Gritty 14 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
Nice comics, a little depressing, nice lyrics. But once you understand human nature, you will be saved from all that. It's not easy, but it is worth it.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Made before there was a photoshop 5 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
Do me! Do me!
"Place doughnuts on your front door everyday at 5 am sharp" 6 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
I would had written - "SKYNET has become self aware. In one hour it will initiate a massive nuclear attack on it's enemy!"
1 · Edited 7 years ago
The more you know 20 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
is this a math problem? or an achievement after you killed your enemies and melted them?
A message for every iceberg 4 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
So, if Titanic believes in Karma, the question is - what did Titanic did wrong that it ended on the bottom of the ocean?
Og phones 5 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
imagine it's the year 3000 and iPhone 991 was launched. Just remember that history repeats, and the fixed wire telephone will be the new and innovative iPhone trend. Who has the last laugh then? Muahaha...
The adventures of a cat 2 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
I like the idea, but the cat has no fun, and that is so sad for the cat. Oh well, moving on.
An all white puzzle? Challenge accepted 7 comments
florinfun · 7 years ago
hope it was worth it, i would have made crazy stuff with my girlfriend on it afterwards