

— Firmlee_grasspit Report User
Make an effort 20 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 4 years ago
You have plenty of friends here, mate! We absolutely adore you.
Come on people 57 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
@famousone @1_puma is right, your response was in total defense, and unprovoked; you chose a specific person to defend that wasn’t even mentioned, and then acted as though he was arguing against your view of the democratic party. I’m not sure I follow your logic when it comes to discussion of politics...
7 · Edited 5 years ago
Do people not realize that everyone can see their tweets? 20 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Right there with you, mate. I think it’s time to move on.
Do people not realize that everyone can see their tweets? 20 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
I’m still not sure why this is a big deal, but you have fun with it. Good day.
A pic of a sample of the blood (not perfect mix). Cost: 16oz. mix, ~$2 7 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Very nice, mate. You probably just have a personal downvoter on your hands. They come and go. Just a small nuisance, is all.
Do people not realize that everyone can see their tweets? 20 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
You’re going out of your way to call someone arrogant, when they were just observing something. Now, you’re being all pouty that your opinion wasn’t accepted objectively by everyone. Sorry, mate, I think you’re simply wrong. Accept and move on.
Do people not realize that everyone can see their tweets? 20 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
@garlog Do you want to quit bullying people? If anyone sounds like an arrogant arse, it’s you, mate. @1_puma I don’t know why people are afraid of information, but I commend you for sticking up for yourself. Garlog can rightly fuck himself.
The last flight they take 8 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Don’t worry mate, I’ve got you. I can appreciate a bit of intelligence outweighing a silly, outdated joke.
No homo 29 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
It’s just a reaction to the extreme intolerance. I don’t condone fighting fire with fire, just to be clear. I agree it’s annoying, and borderline narcissistic.
That did the trick 3 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Ooh nice
That did the trick 3 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
“The Men Who Stare at Men”
4 days past my bedtime 2 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Haha! Thanks, this is wonderful.
Name this Tattoo 12 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Hahaha literally following directions
This filter that makes pictures look like realistic paintings 6 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
This filter is gorgeous. I think it fits the cat especially well.
Huh. So, that's what "privilege" means 24 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
No, that’s ok! I knew the context in which you thought you were retaliating, so I was able to redirect appropriately. All is good!
Perching 7 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
I’m not ready for full-body reveals! I like to keep a degree of secrecy about me via surfing the interwebs.
Perching 7 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
It’s just balance. If you don’t practice, chances are you can’t do it. I love to challenge myself with balancing, this one is mid-tier difficulty.
Any tips on how to get a good night's sleep? I'm desperate 17 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
I sometimes sleep only 1-2 hours/night/week, sometimes for a couple of weeks. I have to force myself to lie on my back perfectly still (restless leg can make that next to impossible, but once I’ve conquered the physical portion, I then move onto mental. I slow my thoughts as much as a I can, and create incredibly mundane stories for myself. Of course, this is after countless hours of walking and mental exercises.
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Huh. So, that's what "privilege" means 24 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Popsy, I hope you know I wasn’t talking to you:)
Huh. So, that's what "privilege" means 24 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Found the insecure man.
Sjw lgtbnpc+ 15 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
You lose cos you read the title 1 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
I would be quite concerned if I looked like...well, either, but especially the second picture. I think you will die very soon
· Edited 5 years ago
Elijah lesbian 1 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Elizah Flower
It shows, guys, it shows 4 comments
firmlee_grasspit · 5 years ago
Nah I still do this and I’m *checks occupation* not in politics.