

— firebender Report User
[screams internally] 12 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
*says in an official voice*
the most logically sound argument there is from Moreli.
he has not only mathemsciencly proven that the answer is either Jesus or jesuis but he also answered quantum mechanics along with quantum mathisics.
now can we all carry on morrelis work and figure out which one is the answer
Jesus or jesuis
My life has been changed forever 10 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
I think I read it wrong
I just figured out that the boy I have a crush on from school is on funsubstance... .-. 121 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
I feel a special connection to partyboob I saw where they started I saw the birthplace of there username and I nourisehed them until they grew to what they are now. I now know the meaning of
*they grow up so fast*
How I feel having a 4yr old daughter 30 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
but what about my comment made the chain go on
why was did my comment allow for the chain to continue
You? 12 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
I just saw my mistake one of the funniest typos I made so far
shadowrated 162 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
comment threads like this are the best thing on funsubstance
1 · Edited 10 years ago
shadowrated 162 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
yes this is exactly what will happen when you are gone for a day
shadowrated 162 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
definitely everyone here has quite a unique sense of humor that is not gennerallyappreciated in the real world
Really puts life in perspective 39 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
I think what those peole should say is instead of being sad be great full for what you have you have no idea how lucky you are
Really puts life in perspective 39 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
as much as we disagree with anyone on fs awe do not start dissing war or swearing things like this will never solve a problem because if you anger someone it is highly unlikey(no matter how logically sound your argument is) that you will convince them into thinking you are right. plus thing like swearing and dissing is plain rude and that is something that is inexcusable on here
Really puts life in perspective 39 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
as rude as mr sparklers sounds he is right
Equality you said? 43 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
MAYBE these people simply did not know about this at all.
Good work squid 12 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
it would have been better if you added a t or an s at the end of yes
Day 97 of your daily dose of cute: *yawn* 11 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
just something special
Equality you said? 43 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
I think I speak for everyone when I say that was not clear AT ALL
I just figured out that the boy I have a crush on from school is on funsubstance... .-. 121 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
I remeber how in just a week you got a blue star this was back when I had a star
Equality you said? 43 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
a lap top is too expensive
How I feel having a 4yr old daughter 30 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
I asked that to keep the comment chain going
[screams internally] 12 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
that's actually what I do a lot when I find the answer to easily I start rereading the question looking for a trick the teacher might have tried to pull on me I ussually end up redoing the question. this ussually screws me over big time because I waste a lot of time doing this
Equality you said? 43 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
the best way to put it
Equality you said? 43 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
I think they need to understand the definition of equality stuff like this just gives a bad reputation for feminists.
in what way is this equality if one person gets better treatment than the other
This statue in sweden has ice dripping in an interesting way 4 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
looks like a frozen shart
My last good selfie was taken last year 4 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
your forgot randomly showing your friends when you see them
Day 100 of your daily dose of cute: 100 cute images on the 100th day!!!! 26 comments
firebender · 10 years ago
any chance of my cute gland regenerating have just been destroyed