good guy russia 79 comments
Height difference 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I can't decide one is short or one is tall
but I have a feeling that the basketball players are just tall and the cheerers are regular
Edited 10 years ago
but I have a feeling that the basketball players are just tall and the cheerers are regular
Pun level, IT'S OVER 9000!! 2 comments
You will die in 5 minutes 11 comments
· 10 years ago
i was not trying kill everything I was just trying to destroy the remnants of the earth nation because it is much easier to do that than conquer it and keep it under control.
plus I was not killing everything I conquered
I was keeping the fire nation intact
I was only destroying the one thing I that would take a while to co quer
the earth enders
after that I could take down the water nation easily
Edited 10 years ago
plus I was not killing everything I conquered
I was keeping the fire nation intact
I was only destroying the one thing I that would take a while to co quer
the earth enders
after that I could take down the water nation easily
The process 13 comments
I do 14 comments
· 10 years ago
back in the olden days it was a dark time
terrible titles EVERYWHERE
on the fresh page on the trending AND on the popular page there was always those post with terrible titles
us creative title makers have fought a long and tiresome war to rid the funsubstance of terrible titles and return
to its former glory
we have made astounding progress but the war on bad titles still rages on
sacrifices have been made but the war is not over yet
let us make sure those sacrifices were not in vain by ridding *passion intesifies*
and maybe soon we will have Funsubstance back to its former glory because this is more than merely a website with jokes on it
Edited 10 years ago
terrible titles EVERYWHERE
on the fresh page on the trending AND on the popular page there was always those post with terrible titles
us creative title makers have fought a long and tiresome war to rid the funsubstance of terrible titles and return
to its former glory
we have made astounding progress but the war on bad titles still rages on
sacrifices have been made but the war is not over yet
let us make sure those sacrifices were not in vain by ridding *passion intesifies*
and maybe soon we will have Funsubstance back to its former glory because this is more than merely a website with jokes on it
I do 14 comments
· 10 years ago
only old funsubsters will remeber
I remeber how people woul put title as a title or put insert title here as a title
it also happened a lot
Edited 10 years ago
I remeber how people woul put title as a title or put insert title here as a title
it also happened a lot
The most annoying thing in school 11 comments
· 10 years ago
at least you are trying but you can always pull up a chair if you need to
remeber every time you squat you save a student from looking at something they rather did not want to
Edited 10 years ago
remeber every time you squat you save a student from looking at something they rather did not want to
I like to search this 27 comments
· 10 years ago
you know how you guessed what might happen in the video
the video is so different from what I (and probably what you) expected at all
the video is so different from what I (and probably what you) expected at all
I like to search this 27 comments
· 10 years ago
I watched please watch the video the whol entire video is everything you did not expect
I like to search this 27 comments
· 10 years ago
thank you for this I was too lazy to scroll down to find out
no let's see if I will not be lazy enough to find out the ending of this video
Edited 10 years ago
no let's see if I will not be lazy enough to find out the ending of this video
I do 14 comments
I like to search this 27 comments
· 10 years ago
why are we all so lazy can somebody just post the link to the video under here so if we want to find out all we have to do is click the link
I can't stand them 12 comments
· 10 years ago
as long as face swaps are posted every once in a while I am fine with them
as long as face swaps are posted every once in a while I am fine with them
When u high as f*ck in the woods 3 comments