

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."

— fiestycricket Report User
2014 is the year of the money 36 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
I see 2016 being another end of the world prophecy.
Think of it like that :) 13 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
You know, you would be surprised how often this happens.
Jack Skellington's Christmas decoration 20 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
If that wasn't so expensive, I would always do this.
imagine the time it took to find/ make all that! Beautiful.
This is very satisfying to watch. 21 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Maybe I need a week.
This is very satisfying to watch. 21 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
.... I need this pen.
it takes me FOREVER to draw this style up with a normal pen.
You're telling me this was an option the entire time?
I just.
I need a minute.
Child-shaped pear 11 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
.... I thought they were suppose to be Buddha shaped. Pretty sure they make Buddha pears.
It's okay poster, we will keep your child eating dreams secret.
The Return of Lord Voldemort 27 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Because they all harbor a demon?
Nightmares for everyone.
23 · Edited 11 years ago
Im sure you get this all the time but 17 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
She kept getting on and off the scale confused, and this went on for 7 minutes 4 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Old people can be fun sometimes ♡
Take it.. Take the leg! 9 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
I just doubt anyone is reaaaally gonna watch it.
Take it.. Take the leg! 9 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
I was more traumatized by the end scene where they shove the fire hose in the alien full of head and shoulders lol.
Take it.. Take the leg! 9 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
its a movie called "evolution" a comet crashes on earth with rapidly evolving life forms on it. Those 2 guys were working on experiments with the life forms and how they grow so rapidly when the military took the sight over and seized their work. So they snuck on the base to steal some life forms and samples, well this mosquito looking thing (he calls it a fly though) cuts the hazmat suit open and goes into his leg. So they had to pull the bug out.
Its a pretty hilarious movie
14 · Edited 11 years ago
YES 8 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Drivers and pedestrians hate each other but everyone hates the cyclist 13 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Well that is terrible and terrifying. Where I am at there's a lot of forest, bike trails, and in the citys they have their own lane but they ride on the white line anyway just to be dicks.
But if there isn't any of that? Share. Id be terrified to be peddling along next to a semi.
Epic asian guy drawing 21 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Max Brooks is amazing!
Drivers and pedestrians hate each other but everyone hates the cyclist 13 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Isn't this why we have bike trails?
Day in the life 5 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
American Dad!!!
It's very simple when you think about it 90 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
And not to be an ass, but lets not forget how often men run off when women do have kids. Since we tend to get the shitty end of the stick with most things, I'd like the option to maintain what little control of the chaos that I can.
It's very simple when you think about it 90 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Now as for the father family dilemma... something that should be taken up with the lady. Thats a family matter, but again a woman is pretty in tune with her body, she has the motherly instinct. So if all that has bad vibes about having a kid, I say she is allowed to do as she please. There are plenty of mothers out there now that have kids can't take care of them, or are just flat out terrible. As for saying "I'd rather be given a shot" ... this is gonna sound heartless... but you wouldn't exactly know now would you? I mean, you weren't alive, and than there was an increasing potential that you could be alive, but ultimately.... you still weren't a thing yet. You hadn't seen the world, haven't breathed yet. There are a LOT of people in the world as is. A lot of homeless kids, starving children, orphans... you get the picture. Why not help the people we do have instead of singling out these women who are already dealing with a fuck ton of issues?
To each his own is my point....
It's very simple when you think about it 90 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Lol interesting aspect for someone pro choice. But I'll bite. And I see the other side too.... but just like at one point in time people thought the sun revolved around the earth, I believe that education on the topic can shift the controversy.
When I say brain function defines life, I am talking scientifically in the medical feild that is a key factor. You're alive in a coma via heartbeat, but still considered dead with no brain activity. I know others define life at conception, heart beat ect, heart beat isn't until 3 months in so are they going to back off and say as long as its before that, when its just a bunch of cells its fine? As for the conception one... we're getting into the religious junkies and (most of them) love forcing their views down other peoples throats. Supposed to be a free country right? Speach, religion ect. So... my body my choice. I am supposed to be allowed to make the decision I see fit to better my life.
1 · Edited 11 years ago
Face battle!! 2 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
I think I'll forever use face battle.
Most fantastic way to say kissing I have ever heard.
Epic asian guy drawing 21 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
This is amazing!!!
It's very simple when you think about it 90 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Have to talk about bad issues to get through them... some day when the human race is more evolved I'm sure we will have a solution to this problem.
How I feel right now 24 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
We shall confide in eachother.
It's very simple when you think about it 90 comments
fiestycricket · 11 years ago
Your name makes it ironic that you're playing peace keeper for this post ^_^
But I dont see it as arguing... debates are fun for me. People have troubles agreeing to disagree on things they strongly have an opinion for.