

— FairyTalePreference Report User
0mg dont look at teh moon!!!1!1!!!1 20 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
I blame the reptilian politicians for this.
Improve yourself and be healthy 20 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
If you want to be obese, fine be obese, but don't go around saying as long as you're happy it's fine to be that unhealthy willingly and that it shouldn't matter. Just because it's a choice doesn't make it okay.
It's surprising to some 8 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
May not be good looking, but people want me in unhealthy amounts.
Improve yourself and be healthy 20 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
This happened a couple years ago in the Six Flags Over Texas on the Texas Giant. And the park blames the ride maker and the ride maker blames the park blah blah blah.
THESE are the Muslims I can embrace 24 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
No matter 20 or 1000, life saving is life saving.
Just a friendly reminder. 16 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
Well, friends who make you feel bad aren't friends. So it's either no friends or no friends while constantly being berated.
Just a friendly reminder. 16 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
My friends get mad when I want to leave the chat because they're blowing up my phone while I'm in school and don't want it to get taken up
To all the hate posts against "fifty shades of grey" 25 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
And what, might I ask, is the false pretense ?
· Edited 9 years ago
Emo horse 2 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
just thought I should let you know 10 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
Or if being behind two minutes is so important you can look it up yourself ?
To all the hate posts against "fifty shades of grey" 25 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
Well the first one is painting it as a preference to like the movie, despite it glorifying abuse as a type of sexual act and because of how popular it's getting people will want a relationship like that for some reason.
And the second on is just dramatic and juvenile.
Bright side : Surviving! 35 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
But Romeo pined after Rosaline not the other way around ?
Rejected 50 Shades of Grey Script 10 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
Better than the actual book though
Everything you ever wanted, but never got so you built it with lego...... 10 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
This isn't YouTube. I don't think anyone cares about who gets to like and comment first.
I laughed more than I should have 8 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
We can SMELL the love in the air
Fight between siblings escalated quickly 7 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
The guy in the blue shirt had called the red shirt guy a bitch and that's why he did that awesome move
THESE are the Muslims I can embrace 24 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
It's not white mans fears, it's people who scare easily and want someone to blame it for. I've met black people racist against Muslims and have seen white people convert because that is what they spiritually connected with.
And saying things like that aren't making jokes about racism but condoning it by saying all white people are racist which itself is racist.
It's not like a free pass to Disney World 45 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
Well 4% of the world believe that there are reptilian aliens among us, so that would mean you should think everyone believes that until otherwise because that is more than the trans population of the world. So if we don't assume someone's gender identity upon meeting them, you also cannot rule out that they believe about the reptilians even more so.
And it's safe to assume, it's only bad if someone corrects you and you purposely deny what they have told you about themselves.
Easy mistake 14 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
If it was only about weight there'd be much less debate about it. But it isn't.
And technically, they do solve weight problems as you wouldn't gain the 30 or so pounds of the baby and extra weight and other stuff, but really it's not about the weight at all because that's not the problem some people have with it.
THESE are the Muslims I can embrace 24 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
And that's why I ask people instead of google.
Once, though, I asked a Jewish person why there was all the hate against them and they threw a fit saying I should just look it up and " know " if something was misinformation.
It's not like a free pass to Disney World 45 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
I think that would be different as manboobs aren't generally seen as attractive as females breasts except by a small number.
It's not like a free pass to Disney World 45 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
Well, though I mostly agree with antongustavos point, I feel that rather than your gfs boobs, booty, and lips being yours, they are hers and she willingly shares them with you. But really, unless you are in an open or poly relationship she should not be letting anyone else ( unless maybe a doctor ) touch her special places. Same goes for men but they don't have breasts.
THESE are the Muslims I can embrace 24 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
Isn't Allah Akbar just the Muslim equivalent of Christians thanking god ? That's what I heard somewhere idk if it's true since I don't speak the language.
It's not like a free pass to Disney World 45 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
By that logic though, any single person could come up and kiss you because they're single.
Even a stranger who you find repulsive could do it.
Absolute nutters 38 comments
fairytalepreferenc · 9 years ago
What are you talking about, guest ? These people are absolute fucking maniacs.