The guy who's telling the most inappropriate jokes at the most unconvenient time
— f__kyeahhamburg Report User
I caught this photo of my friend moments after she got word that her divorce was finalized 10 comments
Finally finished my coloured pencil drawing of Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker! 6 comments
· 4 years ago
If there is a picture with some random pencils on it, you have a 100% proof that the picture was drawn with said pencils.
Yours faithfully
The Internet
Yours faithfully
The Internet
Science has proof 2 comments
· 4 years ago
"Yeah, but I have another opinion. And opinions come first, than facts. Your facts are just the cover story for our government pushing masks on us."
Controversy yaaay 10 comments
· 4 years ago
It's funny how you guys sound exactly like the guys in Germany who over 80 years constantly defend the times of colonialism and the well known Nazi period with the exact same words.
Kinda epic tbh, they're winning 6 comments
· 4 years ago
There is a red tie and a blue tie.
Guess who is the target. Trump, of course...
Guess who is the target. Trump, of course...
Looking at you right wing nut jobs! 39 comments
· 4 years ago
Putting your personal "liberty" over the health of your neighbors and loved ones is such a wild concept, I need popcorn to furtherly watch this.
Looking at you right wing nut jobs! 39 comments
· 4 years ago
I was intending to answer to @guest_ here to agree with him, but sweet Jesus, harperfan spitting tons of antisemite BS in only two sentences just ran me over like a truck.
Guess what: Nazis are bad! And making Jews responsible for everything you don't like might have been a very popular strategy in Europe's dark ages, but man, maybe you should read a book instead of forming your opinions on 4chan.
Guess what: Nazis are bad! And making Jews responsible for everything you don't like might have been a very popular strategy in Europe's dark ages, but man, maybe you should read a book instead of forming your opinions on 4chan.
How the rest of the world is dealing with the USA and our response to the Rona 7 comments
· 4 years ago
I think it's not good to talk about "Europe" and "US" in this concern.
Before coming to the testing, we have to ask which countries are counted if we're talking about "Europe". Considering the 27 states in the EU, for example, there are 513.4 million people, not 741, which is a significant difference already, so statistics can be falsified easily, depending on who is reporting.
I don't know about the tests in the single states of the US, so I can only refer to my country:
Germany is conducting 350k tests per week (from CW12, before it was 100k) with an inhabitant count of 82 Million. The peak for positive testing was CW14 with 9% and since then it constantly decreased to now around 1-1.3%.
Even within Germany, which is a federal union of 16 states with partially own laws and regulations, there is not a single state acting like the other. The big picture doesn't help in this case, I think.
Before coming to the testing, we have to ask which countries are counted if we're talking about "Europe". Considering the 27 states in the EU, for example, there are 513.4 million people, not 741, which is a significant difference already, so statistics can be falsified easily, depending on who is reporting.
I don't know about the tests in the single states of the US, so I can only refer to my country:
Germany is conducting 350k tests per week (from CW12, before it was 100k) with an inhabitant count of 82 Million. The peak for positive testing was CW14 with 9% and since then it constantly decreased to now around 1-1.3%.
Even within Germany, which is a federal union of 16 states with partially own laws and regulations, there is not a single state acting like the other. The big picture doesn't help in this case, I think.
Anon is settling in just fine 5 comments
Truth about "*****s" 11 comments
· 4 years ago
If nobody checks on you, nobody calls and there's nobody in your life to support you when you're in a bad spot, it's most probably not because you're a man, but very likely because you're an ass.
American vs. Canadian Money 3 comments
Looking at you right wing nut jobs! 39 comments
· 4 years ago
Well, there is no 'if'. It has shown all over the world that masks significantly lower the infection rate. But I know. Who cares about facts today.
Aachen Cathedral, Germany. Constructed by order of King Karl the Great. Built in 796. 1 comments
· 4 years ago
This is one of the most impressive churches I ever saw from the inside. Centuries-old gemstone mosaics all over the ceiling, displaying coronation scenes and more. It's like in LOTR, or GOT, but a hundred times cooler, as it's original.
Man I still got my quarantine hair 19 comments
Scherwin Castle in Scherwin, Germany 3 comments
Poor Anthony 84 comments
· 4 years ago
My father is Madt. Which describes the last few years of him and I living under one roof pretty accurately
Maybe she's just a horrible person.