U look boootiful 42 comments
· 10 years ago
If they mean all Muslims, then that is basically terrorism within itself.
I would murder her 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Meanwhile, I listen to Metal on the highest volume, so to troll me you'd have to turn in DOWN.
We Cannot Be Defeated: Je Suis Charlie 20 comments
90s kids will remember 21 comments
Revolution and education 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Three women in my family are doctors, including my mother, two are accountants, including my grandmother, and my other grandmother is a phsychology teacher, and a damn good one at that. A close friend of my is studying to become an engineer, and all the married women I know, chose with their husbands to get children, whom are now being educated properly, much unlike yourself, to have a bright future with many oppotunities ahead of us.
Revolution and education 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh, because Islam believes that women amount to nothing doesn't it? Because Islam DOESN'T believe that women are beautiful, sacred creatures? Because Islam teaches men that women shouldn't get their uttermost respect? Because Islam doesn't believe that teaching a woman teaches a generation? Guess I'm not exactly a muslim then, huh. Because I'm a girl and I live by science, and wouldn't even HAVE my faith if it weren't for the education I recieved. Please read a book.
Has science gone too far? 21 comments
· 10 years ago
It's actually a well know fact that ancient egyptians were giant humans. With their shoes, for example, three to four times as large as a modern average human's.
Mathematics with Facebook 19 comments
· 10 years ago
It's addictive. And very confusing. Never attempt to explain to your friends. You will be labeled insane.
Oh god, he's denser that a lead potato 7 comments
Mathematics with Facebook 19 comments
Some very useful tips for new parents to be 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Thankfully, there are no strip clubs where I live, but thanks for the info. (:
Mathematics with Facebook 19 comments
Some very useful tips for new parents to be 31 comments
· 10 years ago
In that case, only two of my points apply to you. Where I live, 'tooth fairy money' wouldn't be accepted, so..
There must be a bigger crane 19 comments
Some very useful tips for new parents to be 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Generally, that's the case. But honestly, would you accept money with glitter glued to it?
Some very useful tips for new parents to be 31 comments
Body Scans: Fat vs Fit. 31 comments
Some very useful tips for new parents to be 31 comments
· 10 years ago
The monster spray only adds to the problem. Your kid will think that there actually ARE monsters, which is the exact opposite of what you want to do. Make them check under the bed, and in the closet, etc. with you to show them that no, there are no monsters. The hole in the pacifier for medicine will make them hate the pacifier as well as the medicine, and the tooth fairy money is defacing of currency, which I think is illegal, if I'm not mistaken.
Edited 10 years ago
Equal 16 comments
· 10 years ago
How is he being a smart-ass? He's expressing his views and beliefs, which in this case are true, a lot of the things we believe in are merely ideas we choose to believe. Humans created the idea of rights. Humans created the idea of time . Now we choose to deny their non-existence by teaching them to other humans without REALLY thinking about what they are.
Body Scans: Fat vs Fit. 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Sometimes it surprises me that people will alow themselves to get to such a point.
There must be a bigger crane 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Basically, physics. It's a seesaw. One side balances the other out. That's why there's always something that looks like a big cement block. It's what balances the load out.
Pregnant ferret looks like this 14 comments
Seriously?! What happened? 57 comments
· 10 years ago
(Granted any form of extremism is wrong). This is the twisting and changing of the words of the Quran by horrid people.