Potatoes! 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Nah, I think you just killed it. It's a learning process. I used to kill every plant I got and now I'm growing veggies from seeds.
"not bothering anyone" COUGH COUGH 3 comments
· 2 years ago
Those gosh darn wahmen with their... rights... and freedoms... and equal treatment under the law...
You can do anything you set your mind to, man 3 comments
· 2 years ago
Yeah. I know people who can eat McDonalds and lay on the couch all day and still won't gain weight. Meanwhile I gain a kilo by looking at a burger for too long lol.
You can do anything you set your mind to, man 3 comments
· 2 years ago
To be fair it's a lot easier when you have enough money to pay trainers and nutritionists to be around you 24/7. Not to mention a personal chef and most importantly, good quality groceries and access to exercise facilities/equipment. Not trying to take away from the hard work they've done, like holy shit, Ethan is an absolute unit of pure muscle now, but the correlation between obesity and poverty in first world countries is real.
“Marshmallows” ain’t a bad name tbh 31 comments
Potatoes! 3 comments
· 2 years ago
Hmm, for instance climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers do that a lot in my experience.
"I know it's politically incorrect but vaccines actually don't work and they exist to put microchips in your body" no honey that's just factually incorrect. I guess my phrasing implied they do it willingly and knowingly, which is only partly true, fossil fuel lobbyists probably know it damn well but your average eco-unfriendly warrior might not.
"I know it's politically incorrect but vaccines actually don't work and they exist to put microchips in your body" no honey that's just factually incorrect. I guess my phrasing implied they do it willingly and knowingly, which is only partly true, fossil fuel lobbyists probably know it damn well but your average eco-unfriendly warrior might not.
Potatoes! 3 comments
· 2 years ago
People saying "politically incorrect" when they mean "factually incorrect" is the funniest thing to me. It's also a bit sad.
Let’s all be friends, k? 6 comments
· 2 years ago
The only degenerate culture I know of is the kiddy diddler sheltering Christian church tbh
Has done 9 comments
· 2 years ago
What have we done to video games? Like idk man I just play them, don't look at me like I've done something.
Ugh same .. 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Ugh, same. My waist is a 36 but my hips are 40-42. Finding pants that fit is a forever quest. Lately I've been gravitating towards leggings because they're the only thing that fits because they stretch out.
I don't feel ok right now 3 comments
· 2 years ago
Whatever it is you're going through, I hope it gets better soon. And if you need to talk about it, I'm here.
Dem kids 12 comments
· 2 years ago
Yeah because Cletus and Starla's four kids from a cousin marriage benefit the future greatly lol
Also you can be 25 and just plan to have kids later once you have a stable career and some money saved up. "Degenerate selfish people" is a real edgy way to put it, but coincidentally also a pretty stupid one.
Also you can be 25 and just plan to have kids later once you have a stable career and some money saved up. "Degenerate selfish people" is a real edgy way to put it, but coincidentally also a pretty stupid one.
Body odour is a social construct 10 comments
· 2 years ago
Or a gym.
It's natural to have body odor and it should be acceptable to an extent (the extent being "not smelling like you haven't showered for a week") but I think it's also in a way natural to want nice smelling things around you. We all enjoy pleasant smells, right? That's why we cultivate nice smelling flowers and have diffusers, scented candles, potpourris etc in our homes.
It's natural to have body odor and it should be acceptable to an extent (the extent being "not smelling like you haven't showered for a week") but I think it's also in a way natural to want nice smelling things around you. We all enjoy pleasant smells, right? That's why we cultivate nice smelling flowers and have diffusers, scented candles, potpourris etc in our homes.
(Yes I know it's fake. *crabwalks away*)