Nerd fight! 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Wait didn't it originally have legs? To be fair it's been a while since I read Paradise Lost so idk how closely it followed the biblical myth, but I think the Serpent had legs in the original biblical story.
Lol 2 comments
· 2 years ago
If you set aside the whole tempting humanity thing, the Serpent was just promoting a healthy lifestyle by teaching humans to eat fruit.
My Lion Sleeps Tonight 4 comments
I hate celery with a burning passion 2 comments
Ooh yeah, desserts. 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Berries and cream, berries and cream! I'm a little lad who loves berries and cream~
Anti-vaxxers protesting outside a Toronto hospital 5 comments
· 2 years ago
I see where you're coming from but I wouldn't be so eager to give these people the benefit of the doubt.
You’ve got to remember that these are just simple anti-vaxxers. These are people of the land. The common clay of Ontario. You know… morons.
You’ve got to remember that these are just simple anti-vaxxers. These are people of the land. The common clay of Ontario. You know… morons.
Proper healthcare and not fighting wolves seen fine to me. 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Yeah exactly! Women used to give birth in the fields but like... a lot of them died. I'll take modern medicine over that any day.
Oh, you'd better believe Simo is about to ruin Vlad's day 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Well, we have Wali!
(For those who don't know he's a Canadian sniper with the longest confirmed kill – about 3.5km. In March he joined the fight against Russians in Ukraine.)
(For those who don't know he's a Canadian sniper with the longest confirmed kill – about 3.5km. In March he joined the fight against Russians in Ukraine.)
Sappho of Lesbos "what man?" 3 comments
· 2 years ago
Seriously though Frankenstein's men (and women too but it's less striking with them) are written so gentle and well spoken yet strong, reminds me of how Tolkien wrote his male protagonists, just with a more tragic twist. If you haven't read the book, I can't recommend it enough. It's so good.
Stacy’s mom. 26 comments
· 2 years ago
I ran out of rhymes eons ago but watching what you guys come up with has been awesome. I'm glad!
Potatoes! 1 comments
cant do emoji titles :( 6 comments
· 2 years ago
The frog was just singing the song of his people. And now he's famous! Hope it doesn't go into his head.
JUsT pUt In tHe WorK 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Being exploited by a boss? The solution is simple! Be exploited by TWO bosses!
Keep his wife's hair out your mouth 10 comments
· 2 years ago
Yeah, joking about an illness like that isn't great. But also Will should be more concerned about what (ahem...or who) comes into his wife's mouth than what comes out of Chris's. Just sayin'.
My guess is he was still processing that whole thing and overreacting because of it.
My guess is he was still processing that whole thing and overreacting because of it.
Yup. No doubt about it. 6 comments
An Endless Cycle 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Hahaha yup! Black tea at least three times a day, at this point I'm immune to caffeine.