Fillosuffee 10 comments
· 2 years ago
I don't actually know the guy and the few minutes of research I could give him right now would probably not do him justice, so I can't comment on that.
But I agree with you, it does seem to be a trend more often seen on the right. Especially with libertarians who don't want to associate with the more authoritarian strands of the right. (In my experience anyway, I don't want to generalize.)
Which is really interesting especially in US politics in which the spectrum is already pretty skewed to the right, where centrists/liberals get called socialists and social democrats get called communists. Most of the country is, according to the global standard, to the right of the center. Talking about real policy, anyway. The culture war nonsense and the divide of "to woke or not to woke" is a whole different thing.
But I agree with you, it does seem to be a trend more often seen on the right. Especially with libertarians who don't want to associate with the more authoritarian strands of the right. (In my experience anyway, I don't want to generalize.)
Which is really interesting especially in US politics in which the spectrum is already pretty skewed to the right, where centrists/liberals get called socialists and social democrats get called communists. Most of the country is, according to the global standard, to the right of the center. Talking about real policy, anyway. The culture war nonsense and the divide of "to woke or not to woke" is a whole different thing.
Yes. Yes I would. 5 comments
It Was All Orchestrated by Big Pizza 5 comments
· 2 years ago
Yeah I absolutely love those little corner shops that display their pizzas in the window and you can just grab a slice of fresh, delicious pizza for little money. Satisfies the craving without having to commit to the whole calorie bomb pie.
We don't have a ton of fast food chains where I live but I have tasted Pizza Hut a few times and it was super weird? The dough was not what is usually used for pizza, it was flaky, almost like puff pastry. And the whole thing was sooooo greasy. So yeah, I'll choose small local restaurants every time.
As for potatoes on pizza, I've never heard of that but it sounds pretty good!
We don't have a ton of fast food chains where I live but I have tasted Pizza Hut a few times and it was super weird? The dough was not what is usually used for pizza, it was flaky, almost like puff pastry. And the whole thing was sooooo greasy. So yeah, I'll choose small local restaurants every time.
As for potatoes on pizza, I've never heard of that but it sounds pretty good!
Humility comes at a price 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Hahaha true! They'll show how rich they are to the public... but not to the IRS.
Fillosuffee 10 comments
· 2 years ago
That's... not what a centrist is at all. I get what he's trying to do here but even if you're not identifying with a specific movement, the opinions you hold still put you on the political spectrum because it is descriptive, not prescriptive. You can be an independent and generally hold right wing views, or left wing views, or centrist views. But calling yourself a centrist because "both sides are bad"... I see what you're going for but I also think that ain't it, chief. If anything, it would make more sense to call yourself independent or apolitical. A centrist simply means you hold a moderate position on most topics, so basically a liberal (in the original sense).
What time does Superman fly? 16 comments
Stacy’s mom. 26 comments
Do’s and Don’ts 2 comments
· 2 years ago
I don't really take selfies but I do send my boyfriend tons of cute animal pics/videos lol
Coffee Art #16 - The Dark Blend 5 comments
Coffee Art #16 - The Dark Blend 5 comments
· 2 years ago
The bat symbol on his chest looks like two people crouching/bending over a baby. A Gotham nativity scene?
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 44 comments
This image is illegal in Russia and Florida 44 comments
· 2 years ago
I think he just means he's not gonna read all that. To the rest of us with an attention span longer than that of a goldfish, you explained it well. I had no idea the "don't say gay" bill existed.
Interesting 23 comments
· 2 years ago
@guest_ "I’d argue it’s supporting tyranny to protect a system of entrenched wealth where a minority hold disproportionate power." – very well said. Supporting a system which would without regulation devolve into, well basically a modern version of feudalism, isn't very anti-tyranny.
Interesting 23 comments
· 2 years ago
You heard that, lads? Wanting to reform the system so that a CEO can't make 100000x as much as their employees means you want people to be unemployed! We're basically taking the jobs right out of people's hands! Gosh, why didn't I think of that.
Interesting 23 comments
· 2 years ago
Yeah... do I buy a new car now or wait a bit and buy another mansion? The burden! The choice paralysis!
Weird, Isn't It? 4 comments
· 2 years ago
He is such a wholesome person. Not to mention a genius songwriter.
"And he looks at me... and I look at him... and he looks at me... and I look at hiiiiim!"
"And he looks at me... and I look at him... and he looks at me... and I look at hiiiiim!"
(I am kidding I actually have zero idea what's in fashion. But at this point it could be cereal. Not like it'd be crazier than the 80s)