Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
· 3 years ago
When did I say or even insinuate I was insulted at all?
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
· 3 years ago
Soooo let me get this straight. You believe men and women were created for different purposes but also don't believe in enforcing the following of these different purposes societally? Because that seemed like the obvious logical conclusion of such a belief.
Well hey if you believe that the differences will manifest naturally through equality of opportunity, then we're on the same page.
Edited 3 years ago
Well hey if you believe that the differences will manifest naturally through equality of opportunity, then we're on the same page.
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
· 3 years ago
Ah, I see! I tried that but it didn't work on mobile, it gives the same line even when I try to edit the comment. Maybe I'll try switching to desktop. Thank you!
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
· 3 years ago
@lucky11 Well said, I fully agree with your assessment. If there truly are differences, they will persist even when there's equality of opportunity. If there aren't, then there's no reason to keep a certain hierarchy. In either case, judging people as individuals and allowing them the same opportunities is the way to go. Also, funsubstance allows posting links now? Omg
Edited 3 years ago
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
· 3 years ago
So the meme saying women were "created to do" something isn't implying anything at all?
Edited 3 years ago
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
Farmers have more sex than you 3 comments
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
· 3 years ago
Alright then, show me a study that says that "historical data and facts" prove that women should be assigned to the domestic life. I'll wait.
@famousone Me neither, I'm not trying to push anyone anywhere. I just said they should have freedom of choice.
Edited 3 years ago
@famousone Me neither, I'm not trying to push anyone anywhere. I just said they should have freedom of choice.
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
· 3 years ago
As for the "women tend to be better at different things than men" – even if you were able to prove it was nature and not just nurture, it's in no way a green light for society-wide policy or rules whatsoever. Even if 99% of women said they'd want to be housewives, freedom of choice should be preserved, if for that 1% alone.
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
· 3 years ago
Ah, the good old "BuT pEoPlE LiKe YoU!!!1!" Lmao. If I had a dollar for every time you've used this "argument" and accused me or @general_failure personally of causing everything that's wrong with the world instead of addressing the topic of the conversation, I'd go out of my way to disagree with you publicly more often because it'd be a hell of a lucrative job.
And just for the record, you're attributing those opinions to me incorrectly. (I'm in shock, it's not like you've done this before... Or every time...) I'm actually against affirmative action, I think the better way is to systemically improve the education system so that people from economically disadvantaged backgrounds have a better chance at success themselves. Pretty sure I've voiced this here a few times actually.
And just for the record, you're attributing those opinions to me incorrectly. (I'm in shock, it's not like you've done this before... Or every time...) I'm actually against affirmative action, I think the better way is to systemically improve the education system so that people from economically disadvantaged backgrounds have a better chance at success themselves. Pretty sure I've voiced this here a few times actually.
Fatties 3 comments
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
· 3 years ago
Yea true there's been a surge of tradwife pick-mes lately. Which, y'know, if you wanna be a tradwife I totally support that decision and wish you the best. But don't shove that shit down other people's throats as something women were "created" for or whatever. That's just fundamentally anti-freedom.
Women don't need to do everything a man can do 55 comments
This is what schools need to teach 4 comments
Speak the truth 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Dang imagine being so thin skinned you go after someone who probably said something like "This Adolf fellow is a bloody wanker, innit?"
Reject modernity 1 comments
· 3 years ago
The one in the middle with the spiky beard though. I can imagine him having like a really nasal-y laugh.
History Channel at 3 AM: 6 comments
Its about right 4 comments
· 3 years ago
I used to have pretty bad social anxiety (getting shaky hands and cramped stomach, having to psych myself up for 30 minutes just for a phone call) but then I realized just how much people do not give a shit.
I know it won't work for everyone, you can't simply reason your way out of a mental illness, but for me this was a total lightbulb moment and now my anxiety only ever rears its ugly head when it's a completely new situation or an extremely stressful one.
So for anyone who needs to hear it right now: people aren't judging your every word and move, they're too preoccupied with their own stuff to care about a particular interaction. If you fumble your words or stutter a little bit, they probably won't even remember it the next time you meet. Remember how you felt when it happened to someone else: you probably thought "it's fine, can happen to anyone" right? Guess what, other people are thinking the same (unless they're Karens lol). So don't judge yourself too hard, you're awesome <3
I know it won't work for everyone, you can't simply reason your way out of a mental illness, but for me this was a total lightbulb moment and now my anxiety only ever rears its ugly head when it's a completely new situation or an extremely stressful one.
So for anyone who needs to hear it right now: people aren't judging your every word and move, they're too preoccupied with their own stuff to care about a particular interaction. If you fumble your words or stutter a little bit, they probably won't even remember it the next time you meet. Remember how you felt when it happened to someone else: you probably thought "it's fine, can happen to anyone" right? Guess what, other people are thinking the same (unless they're Karens lol). So don't judge yourself too hard, you're awesome <3
Goldens are golden 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Yeah, and the same goes for skincare. Both of my parents had very little acne as teens so when I got acne, they didn't get that it was just hormones, they thought I was a lazy slob who didn't wash my face and forced me to use a bunch of skincare products that messed my skin up soooo much more. Now I wash my face with regular solid soap, moisturize with baby oil and exfoliate like twice a month, and my skin looks better than ever. Less is more, having a 20 step skincare routine every day isn't good for your skin or your wallet.
The mental gymnastics of cancel culture astounds me 15 comments
· 3 years ago
Lmao, good one. The people trying to silence any criticism or disagreement with "you're trying to cancel me, this is cancel culture" are the same tho, just sayin'.
Be very careful when predicting the future 3 comments