The flayed lord 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Sounds like the setup to an Ari Aster movie
Goldens are golden 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Don't wanna sound like a preachy hippie wanker here so I won't rant too much, I'll just say that my hair got a lot nicer after I stoped using commercial shampoos. Turns out that using chemicals that aggressively strip your hair of all sebum isn't very good. So yeah maybe the overpriced crappy hair products are the problem rather than the solution.
Make the whole damn world this way, really 43 comments
· 3 years ago
Good point, yeah. Reactionaries often don't realize that the weird "SJW" they're reacting to is a troll or a sock puppet.
Make the whole damn world this way, really 43 comments
· 3 years ago
Agreed, the small character limit is an absolutely evil genius move if your goal is to fuck up society and discourse. It's baffling to me that so much discourse is still happening at that hellhole of a website.
Furthermore, since a lot of people were either banned (some for better reasons than others) or left on their own and went on to other websites, echo chambers were created and Twitter itself became an echo chamber for the wokes. So if you look just at Twitter it will seem like the overton window has shifted but that's not at all true in reality. People running off to their own online echo chambers and getting used to not having their opinions challenged is a problem although tbh I don't know what the solution would be.
Furthermore, since a lot of people were either banned (some for better reasons than others) or left on their own and went on to other websites, echo chambers were created and Twitter itself became an echo chamber for the wokes. So if you look just at Twitter it will seem like the overton window has shifted but that's not at all true in reality. People running off to their own online echo chambers and getting used to not having their opinions challenged is a problem although tbh I don't know what the solution would be.
Anon took the right decision 9 comments
Make the whole damn world this way, really 43 comments
· 3 years ago
I know, right? I always see these overblown reactions to some idiots' stupid takes online, and every goddamn anti-SJW reactionary is like "ThE LeFt iS sAyInG ThAt"... Like dude, the left isn't a hive mind, in fact the overwhelming majority of leftists are tired of the woke performative stuff that doesn't actually solve the real problems. Making a movie character gay won't help people who live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford healthcare, but the online part of both sides of the political spectrum tend to react to the former more than the latter. I guess the internet just tends to really overblow things, like when some stupid shit a few dozen people do is suddenly "a trend" or whatever, but over here in reality nobody actually cares. I mean when was the last time someone mentioned this internet bullshit irl to you? In my experience whenever someone mentions it, it's to make fun of it.
Make the whole damn world this way, really 43 comments
· 3 years ago
When was that, exactly? People got offended by someone with a slightly different skin color drinking out of the same water fountain. Hell, a dress I'm working on is based on a painting from 1884 which is famous because it offended all of Parisian high society. The painter and the model were both "cancelled". People have always been offended by stuff that was considered bordering or out of the social norms. In fact I would argue western society is generally more tolerant than ever, and all the whiners are concentrated on Twatter anyway, which you can easily choose to ignore.
Please 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Idk about speaking kindly but I love watching my plants and get so happy when they grow. Gets me that sweet sweet serotonin, especially now that it's all grey and foggy outside.
I put a spell on you predictive text game 51 comments
· 3 years ago
I put a spell on you and now I have to manually whitelist or unoptimize the app so I can reload or something.
... Lmao what a techy witch
... Lmao what a techy witch
I put a spell on you predictive text game 51 comments
Keeping up Appearances 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Saaaame! For years I thought plants sucked (because I had a bit of a "not like the other girls" phase due to my upbringing and since plants are/were considered a feminine thing, I just automatically hated them), but my mom got me into gardening a little bit and now I have chilli peppers, bell peppers, garlic, a bunch of herbs and also some succulents and carnivorous plants in my apartment. They make every room so much nicer, clean the air and I get to harvest them and have delicious veggies and fresh herbs every once in a while.
Edited 3 years ago
Imagine harass someone for having their own taste 10 comments
· 3 years ago
Yeah, literally the point of food is to taste good (and ideally not be *too* unhealthy). If it tastes good to you, congrats, it's fulfilled its function. You shouldn't be a dick and tell people that something is bad because you personally don't like it, right? For instance I personally dislike most mushrooms (which as a Czech is akin to a blasphemy as mushroom picking is almost a national sport lol), but I won't go around telling people not to eat them, like wtf. This Hawaiian pizza hate is so weird to me.
Also that topping sounds delicious. I've never thought of putting shrimp together with sour cream and spring onions but those are some of my favourite ingredients so I probably should've thought of it sooner. Thanks for the tip!
Also that topping sounds delicious. I've never thought of putting shrimp together with sour cream and spring onions but those are some of my favourite ingredients so I probably should've thought of it sooner. Thanks for the tip!
Won't you please take me ##DIRECTION## 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Right? My fav song was ##MONTH## ##WEATHER_TYPE##. It has a rocking ##STRING_INSTRUMENT## solo.
Looks perfect to me 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Gorgeous. Photos of big dogs who didn't get the memo that they're not smol puppies anymore are its own category of wholesome and an instant mood lifter.
Imagine harass someone for having their own taste 10 comments
· 3 years ago
Yeah, good quality ham + pineapple on pizza is pretty good imo. I really don't get why it's so controversial, the sweet and savory combination, or heck even specifically the combination of meat and fruit, has been a thing for a long time and most people like it in some form.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
· 3 years ago
But that's the point, this isn't out of context, this whole conversation has been about SA so the issue is rather people interpreting it in context.
But again, splitting hairs. I'm not gonna push back on this too hard because I think we already established we both agree that physical arousal shouldn't be a factor in SA investigations.
Edited 3 years ago
But again, splitting hairs. I'm not gonna push back on this too hard because I think we already established we both agree that physical arousal shouldn't be a factor in SA investigations.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
· 3 years ago
True, nothing wrong about that fact. But I think people might have an issue with the framing and mentioning this fact within a conversation about sexual assault. Like they're expecting that sentence to be implying something.
I know you like to play devil's advocate so I won't accuse you of holding any beliefs you realistically don't. But you see how saying this irl would be pretty bad for optics, right?
I know you like to play devil's advocate so I won't accuse you of holding any beliefs you realistically don't. But you see how saying this irl would be pretty bad for optics, right?
Look girl, no judgement here, but... 9 comments
· 3 years ago
I mean, the guy ate with thieves and whores. Maybe he's just asking her out to dinner.
After careful investigation .. 17 comments
· 3 years ago
That's... That's not really correct to what I wrote either lol. But I see what you're doing. Something something did you just assume my gender? (Idk I just woke up after a few hours long intense D&D session so my ability to make jokes and sassy comebacks is still rebooting right now :D)
@memesgobrrr Well it's banned by the UN and also a bunch of non-UN countries so no wonder you don't know it's a thing. But it still happens, especially in Africa.
Edited 3 years ago
@memesgobrrr Well it's banned by the UN and also a bunch of non-UN countries so no wonder you don't know it's a thing. But it still happens, especially in Africa.
After careful investigation .. 17 comments
· 3 years ago
Did I? Pretty sure I only said circumcision is the example that comes to mind, because in terms of men's bodily autonomy it's, to my knowledge at least, the most talked about issue. More than pregnancy anyway, lol.
Oh and yes bodily autonomy also applies to vaccines.
Oh and yes bodily autonomy also applies to vaccines.
After careful investigation .. 17 comments
· 3 years ago
It applies to anyone, of course!
With men the example that first comes to mind is circumcision. Which is absolutely a violation of bodily autonomy and shouldn't be done.
One argument for circumcision I've heard are the supposed medical benefits, but turns out that in countries with fair access to water and therefore good hygienic standards, even the medical argument becomes utterly void. At the end of the day it's just a religious practice that crept up into the mainstream.
Or are there any other examples of interference with men's bodily autonomy you had in mind?
With men the example that first comes to mind is circumcision. Which is absolutely a violation of bodily autonomy and shouldn't be done.
One argument for circumcision I've heard are the supposed medical benefits, but turns out that in countries with fair access to water and therefore good hygienic standards, even the medical argument becomes utterly void. At the end of the day it's just a religious practice that crept up into the mainstream.
Or are there any other examples of interference with men's bodily autonomy you had in mind?
Noooooes! 3 comments
· 3 years ago
A few days ago I had a dream where I was chased around my apartment complex by a serial killer... who looked like Leonardo DiCaprio. Then I woke up at 3AM.
But honestly it was in a weird way refreshing to have a normal scary nightmare. Normally my nightmares are about being late to work or failing an exam lol.
Edited 3 years ago
But honestly it was in a weird way refreshing to have a normal scary nightmare. Normally my nightmares are about being late to work or failing an exam lol.
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
· 3 years ago
I guess flinching when you see a punch coming your way is more analogous, then? Just because you flinched, that doesn't mean you wanted to be punched, right?
And semantics aside, I'll be sure to keep my eye on anyone who tries to seriously, unironically make the case that someone "enjoyed" an assault because their body "prepared" for it.
And again, arousal can be preparation but it can also be a reaction to something that's already happening. Or it can be entirely random. I mean, aren't inappropriately timed boners a crucial part of the male teenage experience?
And semantics aside, I'll be sure to keep my eye on anyone who tries to seriously, unironically make the case that someone "enjoyed" an assault because their body "prepared" for it.
And again, arousal can be preparation but it can also be a reaction to something that's already happening. Or it can be entirely random. I mean, aren't inappropriately timed boners a crucial part of the male teenage experience?
Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
· 3 years ago
Weeell I don't know if the analogy is *that* incorrect. Arousal can happen when you look at someone you find attractive but also just as a reaction to physical stimulation. And the latter might be your body preparing "out of necessity" – especially for those of us who have a vagina, the body knows that it'd hurt like hell otherwise so it prepares, whether the encounter is consensual or not – rather than out of genuine arousal. I suppose the mechanics might be a bit different for you gents, but the principle remains. Especially when we take into account that the overwhelming majority of SA happens between people who know each other and there's usually a lot of coercion, manipulation, gaslighting and power dynamics involved.
This’ll be interesting 20 comments
· 3 years ago
Once upon a time there was an iguana who was unfortunately thrown by a footfag to become an actor. Only zoom could reverse it, but fortunately for our hero, they found their chance when an egg accidentally deleted. Though the egg was reluctant, eventually the hero convinced them to give them zoom. The moment it happened, the actor was reversed and our hero once more became an iguana.
Zoom sounds like some kind of drug, not gonna lie. In fact the whole story sounds like it was written by someone on copious amounts of drugs, lol.
Oh btw if you're into this whole mad libs things and have an Android phone, Google assistant has this thing where you can play mad libs with it. I guess most people already know this, but in case you don't, it's a funny thing to play when you're alone and bored.
Edited 3 years ago
Zoom sounds like some kind of drug, not gonna lie. In fact the whole story sounds like it was written by someone on copious amounts of drugs, lol.
Oh btw if you're into this whole mad libs things and have an Android phone, Google assistant has this thing where you can play mad libs with it. I guess most people already know this, but in case you don't, it's a funny thing to play when you're alone and bored.