Just gonna drop the truth here 22 comments
· 3 years ago
A lot of SA survivors actually have trauma because of this, they think that because their body responded the way it just naturally does to external stimuli (ie. boner or wetness), it means it was somehow their fault because the perpetrator thought they were enjoying it. So yeah, boner is not consent. Consent is consent. Ideally informed and enthusiastic consent.
*Gets fancy with the spices* 7 comments
Donkeys with Lambs in their pockets 2 comments
Men invented wrestling to normalise hugs 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Ahahahaha the title though. Was about to make a jiujitsu joke when I realized the title has done that already.
You can’t reason with this people 6 comments
· 3 years ago
I suppose, but how does one debunk anything then, when dealing with a person who doesn't believe in facts?
Guys, I think I just solved racism 3 comments
· 3 years ago
HOMO sapiens? But what about us Hetero sapiens? Are you trying to exclude us? Is this the gay agenda SJW orwellian future the feminists want?
Those ***s lied to me. 5 comments
Got into sewing/upcycling recently, just sharing some stuff I made (~‾3‾)~ 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Only in Czechia right now, but I'm considering getting an Etsy account on top of that, if they take off
Got into sewing/upcycling recently, just sharing some stuff I made (~‾3‾)~ 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Ahahah that one was actually the first to go when I gave it to this alternative/punk second hand shop that I cooperate with. Good to know what's popular and what isn't. I personally expected the white one to be more popular because of Wednesday Addams, but turns out not really lol. Yay market research?
f*ck rich people 16 comments
· 3 years ago
By they worked so hard for it!! By scamming people... and underpaying workers... and exploiting every loophole imaginable and then some to avoid paying their fair share of taxes... But we gotta let them keep their stolen wealth, otherwise we're the thieves!
No oven necessary 1 comments
· 3 years ago
Lol still probably better than the banana peel "vegan pulled pork" abomination
The sculpture and the sculptor 5 comments
· 3 years ago
You could blur out the text and still be able to somewhat accurately guess what the contents of the tweets are, based on the usernames and profile pics of these dudes alone ahahaha.
"Rational Male" my ass cheeks lmao.
"Rational Male" my ass cheeks lmao.
At least the Soviets and Maoists treated LGBT well... 4 comments
· 3 years ago
Dang it's been a while since I last saw a whoosh that big.
(Referring to the original comment, not the reply by ichor)
Edited 3 years ago
(Referring to the original comment, not the reply by ichor)
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
· 3 years ago
Grab my stuff and then I can deal with it I guess.
Uh, is that just me or does that line sound like something said by a hitman or a gangster? Like, you grab my stuff and I'll go yeet that body into a river or something.
Uh, is that just me or does that line sound like something said by a hitman or a gangster? Like, you grab my stuff and I'll go yeet that body into a river or something.
On this day eight years ago someone sewed a fried egg into a shirt 12 comments
· 3 years ago
Yeah, and cleaning it would be a real pain. If the yolk spills down into the bobbin area... ugh. The thought of having to clean that makes me cringe.
Edited 3 years ago
Your lack of faith in socialism is causing meltdowns 10 comments
· 3 years ago
"That's not what the country referred to it as" I see your point but if we just go by what the country calls itself, then by that logic North Korea is a Democratic Republic lmao
Edited 3 years ago
That said, in principle I do agree with the point of the post, women aren't always inherently peaceful and men aren't inherently warmongers. I'm just asking out of curiosity.