Day 2 of the return of bad wisdom 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Shit, that's a brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of that? I bought a tennis ball instead ahahaha
I know how to make pancakes 13 comments
· 3 years ago
Idk man, I know plenty of dudes who can't cook for shit because they expect their mom and later on their girlfriend/wife to do it. In my opinion, in today's (more or less) equal society both traditionally "feminine" tasks like cooking, cleaning, taking care of kids, and "masculine" tasks like driving and small household repairs/maintenance should be learnt by everyone. They're super useful, missing out on such vital life skills because "muh Patriarchy" or "wifey's gonna do it" is fucking stupid. Learn as many skills as you can, it's the most valuable thing in life.
Edit: Dang, that downvote came like 30 seconds after I posted the comment. Someone's s-s-s-salty.
Edited 3 years ago
Edit: Dang, that downvote came like 30 seconds after I posted the comment. Someone's s-s-s-salty.
Day 2 of the return of bad wisdom 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Bro, just get a massage roller or a tennis ball. Feels much better than an untrained person giving you a massage.
Edited 3 years ago
Killing those high notes 2 comments
Something to think about 10 comments
How to check drugs 2 comments
Im bad at making these but here ya go! 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Maybe the 4% thought they'd start attacking each other instead, giving the person time to escape. The bear did try to steal the bees' honey the other day, after all.
Diet: one small child per day 7 comments
· 3 years ago
I'm not a pet owner myself and therefore inexperienced in this but according to this website, they definitely exist. vocalforpets . org/ why-kill-shelters-exist/ (remove the spaces obv)
TL;DR it's a shelter that accepts all animals regardless of species/age/behavior/health and you can put an animal there with no previous appointment, but has the oldest/longest staying animals euthanized once it's full or once they become sick with a disease that could spread to the rest of the shelter, since it's cheaper than getting the disease treated. Kill shelters are very unfortunate but they exist mainly for stray/abandoned animals or animals with behavior problems etc.
So yeah the ex-owner's a cunt.
TL;DR it's a shelter that accepts all animals regardless of species/age/behavior/health and you can put an animal there with no previous appointment, but has the oldest/longest staying animals euthanized once it's full or once they become sick with a disease that could spread to the rest of the shelter, since it's cheaper than getting the disease treated. Kill shelters are very unfortunate but they exist mainly for stray/abandoned animals or animals with behavior problems etc.
So yeah the ex-owner's a cunt.
Fight the patriarchy, one movie at a time 7 comments
· 3 years ago
@famousone Not at all, I'm really just making fun of how dumb that argument is.
@garlog I get how you got the impression but my point wasn't to do whataboutism, just to mirror the argument that "feminists should go to developing countries to fight for women's rights there". The only thing either group would achieve is getting arrested or killed, so it makes as much sense for feminists to advocate for women's rights e.g. in the Middle East as it does for conservatives to advocate for freedom of speech in North Korea. As in, it makes no sense at all. And trying to portray feminists as hypocritical for not actively going to places where they would encounter potentially life threatening hostility feels like a really dishonest argument to me. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of legitimate things to criticize modern feminism for. This just ain't one of them.
@garlog I get how you got the impression but my point wasn't to do whataboutism, just to mirror the argument that "feminists should go to developing countries to fight for women's rights there". The only thing either group would achieve is getting arrested or killed, so it makes as much sense for feminists to advocate for women's rights e.g. in the Middle East as it does for conservatives to advocate for freedom of speech in North Korea. As in, it makes no sense at all. And trying to portray feminists as hypocritical for not actively going to places where they would encounter potentially life threatening hostility feels like a really dishonest argument to me. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of legitimate things to criticize modern feminism for. This just ain't one of them.
Fight the patriarchy, one movie at a time 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Totally. Unlike modern conservatives who make regular visits to North Korea to give Kim a stern talking to about the value of freedom of speech and democracy, y'know instead of complaining about a .00002% tax increase, or for that matter, that a movie changed the gender/sexuality of a character. Which they never complain about because they have their vision set to the bigger picture. Uh huh.
Take me awayyy 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Ugh, this is incredibly relatable. I get migraines every once in a while and a nap is the only thing that helps at all. Or rather, it is more pleasant to sleep through it since it goes away eventually. But it is so hard to fall asleep when your head is throbbing.
No wonder it never suggests Anything good. 1 comments
I’m afraid of the dark 20 comments
Daily dose of history, part 89 7 comments
· 3 years ago
I mean, the whole MGTOW movement is a thing, and they say comparable things. Not to mention incels who say even worse shit.
When the elderly die 9 comments
When the elderly die 9 comments
· 3 years ago
Well said.
I don't really know where the author of that Tweet got the idea that "all the people are saying it's fine". I don't think anyone thinks it's "fine" that someone dies, but it is a reality we have to accept.
Edited 3 years ago
I don't really know where the author of that Tweet got the idea that "all the people are saying it's fine". I don't think anyone thinks it's "fine" that someone dies, but it is a reality we have to accept.
Crinkle Crankle Wall 6 comments